On a press call today Congresswoman Judy Chu of California, Congressman Ruben Gallego of Arizona, and Frank Sharry of America’s Voice discussed Donald Trump’s attacks on the respected Judge Gonzalo Curiel, why these comments are so offensive, and the ways in which the presumed GOP nominee’s candidacy may affect Latino turnout and down ballot races across the country.
Said Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), “Immigration from all over the world is what has always made America great. Unfortunately the Republican candidate for president does not share that view. From his nostalgic campaign slogan, to his misguided policies and campaign rhetoric, it’s clear Donald Trump wants to return us to the days of institutionalized discrimination. Questioning the loyalty of minorities is a classic tactic that has been used throughout history to excuse prejudice and discrimination, like the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. This is not an idle concern—it’s not just extremists that follow Trump’s racist marching orders, my Republican colleagues in Congress have fallen in line as well. It seems Republicans want immigrants to know they’re not welcome, but the truth is that immigrants are the lifeblood of our country. They come for a better life, to raise their families, to learn, to contribute, and that is the America we will continue to fight for.”
Added Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), “I cannot be any clearer, what Donald Trump is saying is racist. To have the leader of the Republican party encouraging this type of disgraceful rhetoric is insulting to me, and to thousands of other Latino veterans who have been willing to serve this country. Just because our parents didn’t come over on the Mayflower are we less American? This is one of the most un-American things a presidential candidate has said in modern times. Latino children grow up learning a saying, ‘dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres’—if you are with someone like Trump, that is who you are and Republicans cannot be let off the hook. They own Trump, they allowed him to take leadership of the party, and they should be worried come November.”
Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice said, “It’s remarkable to me that we have the presidential candidate of a major party using racist rhetoric to win a civil fraud lawsuit, and Republican leaders are sticking with him. With the exception of a few GOP members, Republicans across the board have denounced his comments, but say they’ll still support his candidacy. This seems like a pretty unsustainable position to me, and one that I predict will have an impact on key down ballot races.”
Click HERE for a recording of today’s call.