Ahead of coming congressional votes on Syrian refugee issues, Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice issued the following statement:
“This week members of Congress will confront a moment of truth. Republicans in both chambers will be bringing up legislation whose intent is to halt the resettlement of refugees from war-torn Syria. The choice couldn’t be more stark: either you stand with American values or you cave to the fearmongering of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and others cynically fanning the flames of intolerance, xenophobia and fear.
“For those Democrats who are thinking of caving to the Trump/Cruz fearmongering, be on notice: history is watching, and so are your constituents. As a nation we are on the verge of committing a mistake that we will echo through the ages as a moment when we failed to live up to who we are. Feeding the xenophobia of the far right and consigning Syrian refugees to their deaths will never be forgotten or forgiven.
“We need to forge policies based on facts, not fear. Our leaders need to lead America with confidence and hope, not cowardice and smallness. We can and must protect Americans and American values. As the Washington Post editorialized today, the lies spread by Donald Trump are both false and dangerous. Democrats should play no part in feeding this mendacity and intolerance.
“Instead, America should stand with our oldest ally, France, whose President announced today the nation will continue to welcome Syrian refugees fleeing persecution. President Hollande said, ‘France will remain a country of freedom.’ America has a proud history as a nation of freedom, one that has a long tradition of being a beacon of hope for refugees. We cannot turn our back on our own history or values, nor should we turn our back on people fleeing unspeakable violence.”