In preparation for tonight’s debate, here are five ways you plug into the conversation with Ohio’s pro-immigrant community:
For Homework: Read the America’s Voice/Latino Decisions poll of Latino voters in Ohio to see how the community is viewing the presidential and U.S. Senate races, and the role that the immigration issue plays in their political choices.
Pre-Game: At 8pm Eastern, log on to the America’s Voice Pre-Debate Live Video Stream for a pre-game online chat with Toledo resident Veralucia Mendoza-Reno, America’s Voice’s Executive Director Frank Sharry, and immigrants whose futures rest on the decisions this country makes in November.
During the Debate: Attend an Ohio’s Voice debate watch party in Columbus or Cleveland. The parties run from 8-10:30, and are open to the public/press. Details below and at links:
Columbus: Ohio’s Voice at Bottoms Up Coffee Co-Op, 1069 West Broad Street
Cleveland: Ohio’s Voice and La Mega 87.7 at Moncho’s Bar & Grill, 2317 Denison Avenue
On Twitter, check @tramontela, @mhildreth, and @ortizee21ios08 to see the debate parties in action, and follow @americasvoice for the nationwide conversation.
Post-Game Analysis: Check the America’s Voice blog for report-outs from the debate watch parties on Tuesday and other analysis.
Members of the press should contact to RSVP for the Columbus or Cleveland debate parties or to be connected with an Ohio’s Voice spokesperson.