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Not Just a “Latino” Issue: Independent Voters Also Want Action on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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A new fact sheet from America’s Voice highlights the strong support for comprehensive immigration reform among Independent voters.

Among the findings from recent polling, include:

  • While immigration is not the top issue for independent voters, they believe it is serious and important;
  • Independent voters support comprehensive immigration reform and reject an enforcement-only approach;
  • Independent voters think comprehensive immigration reform will help the economy;
  • Independent voters want action now, not later; and
  • Independent voters want policymakers to offer solutions, not soundbites.

Fact sheet on Independents’ support for comprehensive immigration reform: http://americasvoiceonline.org/page/-/americasvoice/reports/Public%20Opinion%20Swing%20Voters%20v2.pdf

America’s Voice — Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.

