According to ABC News, President Trump is expected to sign an executive order today establishing a Presidential Commission on Election Integrity to review alleged voter fraud and suppression in American elections. Trump has appointed Kris Kobach as the Vice Chair of this commission. Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, responded to Kobach’s appointment with the following statement:
Kris Kobach being named to run a commission on voter integrity is like naming Bernie Madoff to run a commission on financial crimes. He has dedicated his professional career to trying to deny people of color the vote and to trying to drive millions of immigrants out of the country. His bigotry and radicalism have no place in our federal government. Any commission which Kobach leads has no integrity.
To read “12 Of The Worst Things About Top Trump Transition Advisor, Kris Kobach” detailing his links to voter suppression and association with FAIR – an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, click here.