The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, in response to the news that Marco Rubio will backtrack on his previous pledge and run for re-election to the U.S. Senate.
“Beyond his own political ambition, what does Marco Rubio actually believe in? His naked flip-flop on his Senate career is both audacious and reminiscent of his contortions on immigration. Just as troubling, in the face of the existential danger to Florida’s Latino and immigrant communities that Donald Trump represents – and despite stating that Trump could not be trusted with the nuclear codes – Rubio nonetheless pledges to support Trump for president.
“During the presidential primary season, instead of standing up to Trump and his dangerous vision for America, Rubio shrunk from the challenge and instead followed Trump’s lead by tacking hard right on immigration. Rubio not only turned his back on his lone legislative accomplishment in the Senate, but he also promised to end the DACA program for Dreamers on day one of his presidency (flip-flopping from an earlier stance), championed a series of enforcement-first policies that look an awful lot like Romney’s “self-deportation” plan, and outlined a “step-by-step” immigration approach that, upon inspection, is a political and rhetorical sales job rather than a policy proposal to take seriously.
It is clear that the man Time Magazine once anointed as “The Republican Savior” has no convictions that run deeper than his own drive for political power. Florida deserves better than Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.”
For More:
- America’s Voice Press Statement: Rubio’s Potential Senate Backtrack Would Mirror Immigration Flip-Flop; Underscore His Lack of Core Convictions
- Op-Ed in Miami Heraldby Maribel Hastings and Juan Escalante: “Rubio’s Surprising Embrace of Trump”
- Juan Escalante, “10 Times Marco Rubio Turned His Back on Immigrants”
- Frank Sharry Op-Ed, “How Marco Rubio Embodies the GOP’s Failures on Trump and Immigration”