The following is a statement from Frank Sharry of America’s Voice in response to the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling on Bostock v. Clayton County.
We stand with our loved ones and allies in the LGBTQ community to celebrate a huge movement victory some five decades in the making. The Supreme Court ruled by 6-3 today that it is unlawful to fire someone because they are gay or transgender. We extend our profound gratitude to the plaintiffs, their families and their lawyers. Your victory advances the cause of freedom for all Americans. Thank you.
America was constituted in 1789 on the radical ideas of freedom, justice and equality, but simultaneously reserved civil rights and political power for white men only. This tension between the idea that all are created equal and the reality of white supremacy, patriarchy, racial exclusion, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia remains unresolved to this day. This profound faultline challenges all of us who work to build an America for all of us.
Fortunately, millions of brave people continue to mobilize and fight to realize the promise of the American creed. This is in the great tradition of social justice movements in this country. We are thrilled to congratulate and proud to lock arms with LGBTQ activists who helped achieve this historic breakthrough today.
For too long, too many Americans have been excluded from full recognition as full citizens with full rights. Let us keep fighting for a nation that truly belongs to all Americans, regardless of background, identity or birthplace.