*** Latino & AAPI Voter Election Eve Poll to Be Released in Multiple Installments***
Releases Throughout Election Day (2pm EST/11am PT and 4pm EST/1pm PT)
Candidate Questions Released as Polls Close in Individual States
(starting 7pm EST/4pm PT and ending at 11pm EST/8pm PT)
Wed 11/9: Webinar on Latino poll and election results 1PM EST/10AM PT;
Webinar on AAPI poll and election results 2PM EST/11AM PT
Election eve polls of Latino and Asian-American voters, to be released on Election Day and Election Night, will provide the most accurate and in-depth information on these voters’ election views, choices, and motivations.
The 5,500 person Latino election eve poll, conducted by Latino Decisions and sponsored by America’s Voice, SEIU, Mi Familia Vota, NCLR, and Latino Victory Project, will include both national figures and results from these twelve target states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, NC, NV, NY, OH, TX, VA, and WI.
The 2,150 person AAPI election eve poll, sponsored by Service Employees International Union (SEIU), AAPI Civic Engagement Fund, Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the National Education Association (NEA) will include both national figures and results from these eight target states: CA, FL, IL, NV, NC, PA, VA, and TX.
Latino poll findings will be posted HERE as they are made public.
AAPI poll findings will be posted HERE as they are made public.
Full rollout schedule and details are below.
Election Day: 1st installment via 2pm EST/11am PT press release; 2nd installment via 4PM EST/1PM PT press call (information below)
Election Night: Horse race results (Pres, Senate, Congress) via press release when state polls close, full national data at 11pm EST/8pm PT
7pm EST (4pm PT) FL* and VA*
7:30pm EST(4:30 PT) OH (Latino only) and NC*
8pm EST (5pm PT) IL*, TX*, PA (AAPI only)
9pm EST (6pm PT) AZ, CO, NY, WI (Latino only)
10pm EST (7pm PT) NV*
11pm EST (8pm PT) CA* and national figures*
* Latino and AAPI numbers together
Wed, 11/9: Webinar on Latino poll and election results 1pm EST/10am PT; webinar on AAPI poll and election results 2pm EST/11am PT
Details and Instructions for Tuesday, November 8th 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific Press Call Below:
WHO: César J. Blanco, Interim Director, Latino Victory Project
Taeku Lee, Principal, Asian American Decisions
Sylvia Manzano, Principal, Latino Decisions
Clarissa Martinez, Vice President, NCLR
Ben Monterroso, Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota
Rocio Saenz, International Executive Vice President, SEIU
To Join Tuesday’s 4 pm Press Call: DIAL-IN: 877-876-9176; Passcode: “POLLING”
Details for Wednesday, November 9th 1pm EST/10am PT Latino Poll Webinar:
WHO: César J. Blanco, Interim Director, Latino Victory Project
Sylvia Manzano, Principal, Latino Decisions
Ben Monterroso, Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota
Janet Murguía, President and CEO, NCLR
Rocio Saenz, International Executive Vice President, SEIU
Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America’s Voice
To Join Wednesday’s Latino Polling Post-Election Press Call: DIAL-IN: 877-876-9176; Passcode: “LATINO POLL”
To Join Wednesday’s Latino Polling Post-Election Webinar: http://connexevent.adobeconnect.com/latinopoll1109/ (link will not be live until event)
Details for Wednesday, November 9th 2pm EST/11am PT AAPI Poll Webinar:
In Partnership with Project New America
WHO: Taeku Lee, Principal, Asian American Decisions
EunSook Lee, Director, AAPI Civic Engagement Fund
Dan Ichinose, Director of Demographic Research Project, Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles
Margaret Fung, Executive Director, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
Luisa Blue, Executive Vice President, Service Employees International Union
Carrie Pugh, National Political Director, National Education Association
To Join Wednesday’s AAPI Polling Post-Election Press Call: DIAL-IN: 888-466-9863; Code: 8488287#
To Join Wednesday’s AAPI Polling Post-Election Webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/610547090716850435