Building on important developments in immigration last week—with Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) outlining their forthcoming bipartisan immigration proposal; the White House and Senators Reid, Leahy, and Durbin expressing support for action this year; and hundreds of thousands of people rallying on the national mall—America's Voice...
A new survey released today by Public Religion Research Institute shows broad support for comprehensive immigration reform by voters of all major religious traditions. On the heels of the yearlong healthcare debate, political leaders are keenly aware of the real political power that a united religious community could have...
Mar 22, 2010
By all accounts, yesterday was a huge day. Over 200,000 people rallied on the mall for comprehensive immigration reform, in a patriotic display of democracy in action, while the U.S. House passed historic health care reform legislation.
At the March for America: Change Takes Courage, hundreds of thousands of...
According to the new polling and reports, which were released today at a panel discussion event at the National Press Club, politicians who want to win over these voters must understand how issues like immigration reform influence the political choices of this fastest growing demographic group of voters. "The...
I am encouraged by today's publication of a bipartisan framework for comprehensive immigration reform by Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham. It is a positive step forward in the effort to get reform legislation moving and passed by Congress this year.
Grassroots leaders are turning up the volume on calls for the Obama Administration and Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform this year. Their efforts will culminate in a huge rally on the national mall, set for March 21, where tens of thousands of Americans and immigrants will demand...
Feb 26, 2010
This week the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the "think tank" of the anti-immigrant lobby, announced the results of a "new" poll purporting to show that people of color, including Latinos, support their anti-immigrant agenda. Coming from the same group whose leader recently argued that Judge Sotomayor should...
Recent developments indicate that the schism in the Republican Party over Latino outreach and immigration reform is beginning to widen. While some Republican lawmakers continue to use the immigration issue as a wedge to try to block progress on every major issue the Democratic Congress takes up—such as...