Must Read News

BuzzFeed: Obama Has Already Won The Shutdown Fight And He’s Coming For Immigration Next By Evan McMorris-Santoro New York Magazine: Obama Is Over the Shutdown, Wants to Tackle Immigration Reform By Margaret Hartmann USA Today: Obama still plans to push immigration bill By David Jackson Reuters: Obama plans immigration push after fiscal crisis ends ABC… Continue »

Northern Voices Online News: Immigration reform 2013: House Republicans to benefit from the bill, says a poll Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel: Despite prayer, rallies, immigration reform not getting attention By Georgia Pabst USA Today: Conservative ‘fly-in’ aims to sell House GOP on immigration By Alan Gomez NBC Latino: Immigration talks in the “dark” but activists say… Continue »

“Qué Pasa” is our weekly roundup of  news, opinion, and links from Spanish-Language online news publications: EFE: Congressional leaders and activists arrested for demanding immigration reform As immigration reform faces an uncertain future, eight U.S. Congressmen were arrested on October 8th at the Capitol after a rally for immigration reform.  The Congressmen were arrested alongside nearly 200… Continue »

Roll Call: ‘How Democracy Works Now’ Documentaries Premiere at New York Film Festival By Jason Dick International Business Times: 2013 Immigration Reform: Another Casualty Of Government Shutdown? By Laura Matthews KPCC (California): Immigration poll puts pressure on Central Valley lawmakers By Kitty Felde Fresno Bee (California): Fresno gathering promotes poll showing Valley support for immigration… Continue »

Politico: Polls: Immigration reform could aid GOP By Seung Min Kim National Journal: The Two Filmmakers Who Spent 12 Years Shooting a Movie About Congress By Fawn Johnson National Journal: Republican Rebranding? What Republican Rebranding? By Beth Reinhard NBC Latino: Evangelical leaders call for immigration reform: “If one part of the body suffers, everybody suffers”… Continue »