National labor leaders visiting Birmingham on Wednesday heard emotional stories and passionate pleas for help in fighting Alabama's new immigration law during a day of meetings with activists, Hispanic workers, sympathetic business owners and frightened mothers and fathers. Continue »
After nearly two days in jail, 10 people arrested at a protest against Alabama's immigration law said they believed they had accomplished their goals. "I think it's very important to show that the community can see that if they organize and they fight back, they can win," said Martin... Continue »
On Thursday, The New York Times broke the news that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is belatedly taking steps to implement the Obama administration's commitment to "prosecutorial discretion"—that is, concentrating enforcement resources on criminals and serial lawbreakers, not DREAM Act students or other "low priority" immigrants. Continue »
The Republicans' solid wall of support for the state's toughest-in-the nation immigration law cracked last week when Gov. Robert Bentley told hundreds of business and elected leaders at a Birmingham Business Alliance luncheon that the law needed to be simplified. Continue »
If you are committed to the rule of law, if you expect your government to work in a cohesive and cost-effective manner, and even if you're strongly against illegal immigration — here are 5,100 reasons to be outraged at how immigration laws are being enforced in this country. Continue »
Federal judges proposed new political maps for the state late Thursday, and hope to have new Congressional and legislative maps in place for Texas on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Continue »
An increasing number of state lawmakers say they are willing to consider critical changes to Alabama's sweeping anti-immigration law, part of which appears to make proof of citizenship or legal residency a requirement even for mundane activities like garbage pickup, dog licenses and flu shots at county health departments. Continue »
The Department of Homeland Security will begin a review on Thursday of all deportation cases before the immigration courts and start a nationwide training program for enforcement agents and prosecuting lawyers, with the goal of speeding deportations of convicted criminals and halting those of many illegal immigrants with no... Continue »
It is one of the painful ironies of our time that in the same season Martin Luther King Jr.'s memory is finally honored with a memorial in our nation's capital, the state where he began to lead the civil rights movement is once more the center of an ugly... Continue »
Acknowledging a growing list of unintended consequences stemming from the implementation of the nation's toughest anti-illegal immigration law, key Alabama Republicans are gathering ideas for how to tweak the legislation to make it less onerous on Alabamans and less dehumanizing for illegal immigrants. Continue »