Those vicious anti-immigrant types sure stick together.
Earlier this week, we reported that Citizens for a Better Arizona had filed twice as many signatures as required to recall the author of Arizona’s “Papers, Please” law (SB 1070), State Senator Russell Pearce.
Now, Tom Tancredo is coming to Pearce’s rescue. Today, Colorado Independent reports that Tancredo’s PAC is raising money to help Pearce fight the recall.
Today, Tom Tancredo’s Team America PAC sent out an email soliciting funds to help Pearce defend his seat.
The email ends by noting that recall elections follow different rules than normal elections. Get this: “Because it is a recall effort corporate funds are welcomed and contributions are unlimited!!”
The full email is included in the article. It’s signed by Bay Buchanan, who runs Tancredo’s PAC. She’s as anti-immigrant as the other two.
Tancredo, Buchanan and Pearce? Some things just speak for themselves.