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Rhode Island GOP Assemblyman Quits, Citing Joe Wilson Outrage as Last Straw

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Faiz Shakir of Think Progress is reporting today in “Rhode Island GOP assemblyman quits party following embarrassment of Wilson’s ‘you lie’ screed:”

Ivan Marte, the ex-chairman of the Rhode Island Republican Hispanic Assembly, has announced that he’s quitting the Republican Party because he was embarrassed by Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie” outburst at President Obama:

“I do not want to continue being a member of a party in which the members of the party express themselves in that way,” said Marte, 59, of Cranston. In a phone interview, he called Wilson’s behavior “shameful” and “uncivilized.”

But Marte said Wilson’s outburst was the last straw in a series of disappointments that led him to break with his party.

In a letter to GOP chairman Giovanni Cicione, Marte wrote, “I do hope that my resignation served as a sign, that the Republican Party in this Nation need to reevaluate their position” on reaching out to minority groups.

So do we.

n case anyone missed it:


Rhode Island GOP assemblyman quits party following embarrassment of Wilson’s ‘you lie’ screed.

Ivan Marte, the ex-chairman of the Rhode Island Republican Hispanic Assembly, has announced that he’s quitting the Republican Party because he was embarrassed by Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie” outburst at President Obama:

“I do not want to continue being a member of a party in which the members of the party express themselves in that way,” said Marte, 59, of Cranston. In a phone interview, he called Wilson’s behavior “shameful” and “uncivilized.”

But Marte said Wilson’s outburst was the last straw in a series of disappointments that led him to break with his party.

In a letter to GOP chairman Giovanni Cicione, Marte wrote, “I do hope that my resignation served as a sign, that the Republican Party in this Nation need to reevaluate their position” on reaching out to minority groups.
 In case anyone missed it:


Rhode Island GOP assemblyman quits party following embarrassment of Wilson’s ‘you lie’ screed.

Ivan Marte, the ex-chairman of the Rhode Island Republican Hispanic Assembly, has announced that he’s quitting the Republican Party because he was embarrassed by Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie” outburst at President Obama:

“I do not want to continue being a member of a party in which the members of the party express themselves in that way,” said Marte, 59, of Cranston. In a phone interview, he called Wilson’s behavior “shameful” and “uncivilized.”

But Marte said Wilson’s outburst was the last straw in a series of disappointments that led him to break with his party.

In a letter to GOP chairman Giovanni Cicione, Marte wrote, “I do hope that my resignation served as a sign, that the Republican Party in this Nation need to reevaluate their position” on reaching out to minority groups.