Immigration remains a hot issue in a number of high-profile gubernatorial, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House races, and Latino voters are poised to play a decisive role in choosing winners and losers.
Recently, there has been a proliferation of outrageous candidate attack ads and anti-immigrant statements directed at Latinos, as well as efforts by third-party groups to suppress the Latino vote.
Today, at 1pm eastern time, experts on Latino voters and immigration reform will gather on a conference call with reporters to analyze the politics of immigration in the 2010 mid-terms, discuss new polling on Latino voters’ attitudes the week before the elections, and highlight the races Latino voters are poised to influence.
Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions and the University of Washington will present new numbers from Latino Decisions’ weekly tracking polling of Latino voters, and a new model for determining likely voters. Our very own Frank Sharry will analyze how the issue of immigration is playing in races throughout the country and discuss what the politics of immigration reform in 2010 mean for the future of the immigration debate.
Here are some resources to help navigate the upcoming mid-term elections: