***Media Advisory***
Tuesday, June 13
1pm EST
DIAL IN: 203-518-9713; PASSCODE: “REFUGEE”
PRESS CALL: Immigrant and Faith Leaders, Policy Experts, Advocates and Local Civil Society Organizations Call on the Trump Administration to Reassess Northern Triangle Policy
Washington, DC – Ahead of the conference co-hosted by the United States and Mexico regarding security, governance and economic issues that affect the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, immigrant and faith leaders, policy experts, advocates, and civil society organizations from the region will hold a press call to discuss the root causes of migration from the region; and to urge the Trump Administration to respond to this refugee crisis with policies that guarantee the rights of all individuals to seek asylum in the United States and the region, and foreign policies that address the range of root causes and that are based in human rights and in consultation with civil society organizations in the region.
The press call follows a letter from over 100 organizations from the United States, Latin America and Europe to Secretary of State Tillerson urging him to demonstrate leadership to ensure that human rights do not take a backseat in any agreements reached during the conference.
- Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, Program Director, Migration Policy, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) (Moderator)
- Abel Nuñez, Executive Director, CARECEN, Member of Alianza Americas
- Yolanda González Cerdeira, Coordinator, Jesuits Network of Central America and North America (RJM-CANA)
- Lisa Frydman, Vice President, Regional Policy and Initiatives, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
- Daniella Burgi-Palomino, Senior Associate, Latin America Working Group (LAWG)
WHEN: TOMORROW, June 13 at 1pm EST
DIAL IN: 203-518-9713 ; PASSCODE: “REFUGEE”