Arizona has taken center stage in the debate about how to fix our badly broken immigration system. What people may not realize is that police associations and top cops around the country and across the state oppose the new law. In fact, the first lawsuit against SB1070 was filed last week by a 15-year veteran of the Tucson police force. Here’s a roundup of why police oppose the law and how it will affect their efforts to keep all Americans safe.
Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police
“The provisions of the bill remain problematic and will negatively affect the ability of law enforcement agencies across the state to fulfill their many responsibilities in a timely manner. While AACOP recognizes immigration as a significant issue in Arizona, we remain strong in our belief that it is an issue most appropriately addressed at the federal level.”
(“AACOP Statement on Senate Bill 1070”, April 21, 2010)
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, Pima County, AZ
“[I have] no intention of complying. I think the law is one of the worst pieces of legislation I’ve seen in 50 years. [It’s] racist, disgusting and unnecessary…[There will be racial profiling.] If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they’re going to do it. They’ll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that’s not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney. “
(“The Dupnik rebellion: Pima’s top cop says ‘no’ to SB 1070,” KGUN-TV, April 27, 2010)