Pedro—an orphan who grew up American and dreams of serving in the Marine Corps —faced imminent deportation last week from the country he hopes to serve.
Pedro’s community bolted into action — and so did you.
Last week, over ten thousand faxes were sent on Pedro’s behalf, and this activism made a huge difference. Just moments before his scheduled deportation, Pedro received a 30-day reprieve. Now, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency is again reviewing Pedro’s case.
Watch a message from Pedro and then share Pedro’s story with your family and friends — and if you haven’t already, send a fax to DHS and ICE, telling them that Pedro has your support:
Though we’ve already sent over 10,000 faxes to ICE and DHS officials, we can’t stop now. Pedro could still be deported in just a few weeks, and there is less than a month to convince ICE that deporting an orphan and would-be marine is simply un-American.
Please share Pedro’s story with your family and friends, and ask them to send a fax, too.
Pedro is counting on us. Let’s not let him down.