People from coast to coast are stepping up for the DREAM Act — even turning themselves into human billboardsd to send a message to Congress. Young immigrants from Arizona to Illinois are asking Congress to let them serve in the armed forces.
Several of their stories are featured on a new website: American history is filled with stories such as that of Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, an immigrant from Guatemala who was killed in a tank battle In Iraq in March, 2003 – one of the first fatalities in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Notably, Lance Cpl. Gutierrez is just one of more than 100 immigrants who have been granted posthumous citizenship after dying in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.
According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:
“Nothing is ‘extraneous’ about the sacrifices borne by these immigrant soldiers and patriots and nothing could be more relevant to military strength than recruiting the best and the brightest to bolster our fighting forces through the DREAM Act.”