Daily Kos has a piece up on the front page today that lays out both the moral and political arguments for planting real immigration reform firmly within the administration’s agenda.
In it, Kos cites an article in Roll Call that discusses the 19-city Family Unity Tour that is making stops from Texas to Philadelphia:
Gutierrez’s campaign attempts to humanize immigration by featuring children who are U.S. citizens bereft of their illegal immigrant parents. The events are being held in large churches, an attempt to bring a Biblical and moral dimension to the fight, Gutierrez said.
The attendees sign petitions to Obama, which will be presented to him when Hispanic lawmakers meet with the president, Gutierrez said.
The post delves into the urgency driving reform, and even cites Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent statements from the San Francisco Family Unity stop:
“Who in our country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?” Pelosi asked. “It must be stopped. It must be stopped. … The raids must end. The raids must end.”