Almost a year ago in Iowa, Rand Paul made national headlines when he ran mid-bite from two DREAMers who were confronting prominent anti-immigration nativist, Rep. Steve King.
Now an official Republican candidate for President, Rand Paul is again in Steve King’s district campaigning — and, yet again, running away.
Advocates with Iowa’s Voice tried to ask Paul about the recent comments from his fellow Republican contender, Donald Trump.
But when advocates confronted Paul on whether he agrees with Trump’s racist comments — that immigrants from Mexico are “rapists” — Paul refused to answer and fled down a public library hallway as a staffer tried advocates from filming.
Trump “has been denounced by major national and international companies, celebrities, and even–finally–fellow candidate Jeb Bush,” said Matt Hildreth.
“But rather than take a stand against racism and denounce Trump and King, Rand Paul chose to flee once again.”
“That’s not the type of response we’d expect from a man who wants to be President.”
Watch the video of Rand Paul refusing to answer if he agrees with Donald Trump’s racist comments below.