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Immigration Reform News Today / Qué Pasa En Inmigración, October 21, 2015

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English (en español al final de la página):

National Journal: Rubio Gets Fundraising Help From Lobbyists
By Zach Montellaro

Newsmax: Rubio Backs Crackdown on Sanctuary Cities
By Cathy Burke

Washington Times: Rep. Luis Gutierrez calls on NBC to dump Trump from SNL
By Seth McLaughlin

The Bakersfield Californian: Trump’s SNL invitation is an insult to Latinos
By Esther Cepeda

ISurfPaducah: GOP Candidate Marco Rubio In Utah For Monday Rally
By Sally Carroll

Politico: Dems scuttle Senate GOP immigration bill
By Seung Min Kim

MSNBC: Senate weighs mandatory minimums for undocumented immigrants
By Amanda Sakuma

Bloomberg: Senate Blocks Immigration Crackdown Bill Backed by Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio
By Sahil Kapur

The Hill: Cruz: Link sanctuary cities fight to ‘must-pass’ bill
By Jordain Carney

National Journal: Democrats Block “Sanctuary Cities” Bill
By Lauren Fox

New York Times: San Francisco Votes to Keep Shielding Immigrants From Deportation Officials
By Laura Holson

AP: San Francisco board reaffirms city is immigrant sanctuary

Washington Post: Paul Ryan will run for House speaker, under certain conditions
By Robert Costa and Mike DeBonis

Politico: Reid offers surprise support for Ryan as speaker
By Burgess Everett

Bloomberg: Donald Trump Says Paul Ryan Is ‘Weak on Immigration’
By Alison Elkin

Roll Call: 4 Times Paul Ryan Broke Ranks With GOP
By Simone Pathe

MSNBC: Will House Republicans accept Paul Ryan’s terms?
By Steve Benen

Mother Jones: Ryan: No Immigration Reform If He’s Speaker
By Kevin Drum

New York Times: Jeb Bush to Address Hispanic Group Tied to Koch Brothers
By Ashley Parker

The Hill: Dem: ‘Dump Trump’ as ‘SNL’ host
By Mark Hensch

New York Times: A Trickle of Syrian Refugees Settle Across the United States
By Haeyoun Park

Think Progress: ‘Immigration Battle’ Answers The Question Of How Immigration Reform Died
By Esther Lee

Politico: Obama’s former ICE man talks immigration
By Darren Samuelsohn

KMGH (Colorado): Latino leaders pushing back against anti-immigrant rhetoric, plan massive voter registration drive
By Lance Hernandez

USA Today (Opinion): A middle ground in the immigration debate
By Alan Gomez

Washington Post (Opinion): Thought immigration reform was unlikely? ‘One person, one vote’ could make things worse.
By Aaron Blake

Huffington Post (Op-Ed): ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Bill on Senate Floor Is Unsafe and Unwise
By Michael Shank and Lindsay Schubiner

Fortune (Opinion): What Trump’s immigration plan misses about basic business
By Thomas More Smith

The Hill (Op-Ed): Mark Mellman: The rising US Asian electorate
By Mark Mellman

En español:

Gobierno asegura que no hay retrasos en DACA, pero activistas dicen lo contrario

America’s Voice y MoveOn.Org piden a NBC echar a Trump de SNL

Congresista Gutiérrez pide a NBC que anule invitación a Trump para SNL

“Mi País, Mi Voto”, campaña sin precedentes para registrar votantes latinos

Senado no logra avanzar ley para eliminar fondos a ciudades santuario

Líderes religiosos piden al Congreso rechazar medida contra ciudades santuario

Webb renuncia a su precandidatura presidencial

Fuente AP: Webb retira su precandidatura demócrata

Republicano Ryan, dispuesto a presidir la Cámara de Representantes si es el candidato de consenso

Ryan buscará la presidencia de la Cámara de Representantes

Clinton consolida apoyo en Texas

Doral, primera parada de Trump en campaña por Florida

Biden da señales sutiles sobre su posible candidatura

Joe Biden estaría por decidir si competirá o no por la presidencia el país

Por las ciudades santuario

Texas atropella los derechos de los ciudadanos

¿Adivinen quién es más socialista?

Drama del éxodo de puertorriqueños hacia EEUU se agiganta

Indiana: Arrestan a universitario por amenazar a musulmana

Una campaña única por la ciudadanía

Gobierno de EEUU lanza guía para estudiantes sin documentos

EEUU divulga guía sobre recursos y derechos de estudiantes indocumentados

Kansas: Defensores de migrantes piden revocar a comisionado

Agente fronterizo dispara hacia México

Centros familiares de inmigrantes tratan de esquivar orden de liberar a niños y madres

De Dreamers a doctores

Los deportados son una bomba de tiempo en Tijuana

Menor que alega que fue secuestrado por los Zetas tendrá residencia legal

Fuerte demanda por permisos DACA en USCIS

Salvadoreños indigentes y sin trabajo se regresan a su país

Latinos de EEUU premian a la embajada española por su “liderazgo” hispano