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Immigration Reform News September 25, 2020 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

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America’s Voice


America’s Voice Election 2020 Weekly Digest #9

Immigrant Workers Must Be Thanked and Included in any COVID Recovery Package and in America’s Rebuilding


Texas Signal Immigration activists continue to hammer Cornyn on immigration
By Jessica Montoya Coggins
September 24, 2020

Sahara Reporters Trump’s Crackdown On Visa Overstays Targets Mostly African, Asians
September 25, 2020

Reuters No evidence of sterilization of migrant Mexican women, says foreign minister
September 24, 2020

CNN Immigrants in US custody died after ‘inadequate’ medical care, congressional investigation finds
By Geneva Sands
September 24, 2020

Roll Call House report: Medical neglect, falsified records harmed detained immigrants
By Tanvi Misra
September 24, 2020

BuzzFeed A Congressional Oversight Committee Found That ICE Detainees Died After Receiving Poor Medical Care
By Hamed Aleaziz
September 24, 2020

BuzzFeed Immigrant Women Detained By ICE Said A Gynecologist Performed Procedures Without Their Consent
By Adolfo Flores and Hamed Aleaziz
September 24, 2020

New York Times Why the Supreme Court Fight Is a Tightrope for Trump in November
By Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman
September 25, 2020

Politico How Barbara Lagoa’s fight for Elian Gonzalez shaped her legal career
September 25, 2020

Newsweek Latinos Support Barbara Lagoa Over Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court, With Caveats
September 24, 2020

Texas Tribune Immigration policies hang in the balance as U.S. Senate prepares for fight over Ginsburg’s successor
September 24, 2020

Associated Press Judge says 2020 census must continue for another month
September 25, 2020

Associated Press Biden’s Scranton vs. Park Ave. appeal targets working class
By Bill Barrow 
September 24, 2020

New York Times Trump shifts the 2020 focus by again threatening to undermine the democratic process.
By Jonathan Martin
September 24, 2020

Washington Post Despite Trump’s actions against immigrants, these Latino voters want four more years
By Paulina Villegas
September 24, 2020

Politico Poll: Trump leads Biden in Texas, race virtually tied in Ohio
September 24, 2020

Politico Fox News poll: Biden leads in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Ohio
September 24, 2020

The Hill Disinformation, QAnon efforts targeting Latino voters ramp up ahead of presidential election
September 24, 2020

NBC Demographic shifts since 2016 could be enough to defeat Trump. But it’s complicated.
By David Wasserman
September 24, 2020

NBC Poll: Coronavirus pandemic has Puerto Ricans on edge about in-person voting
By Suzanne Gamboa
September 24, 2020

Vox Can Democrats pull off another Senate win in Arizona?
By Li Zhou
September 24, 2020

Mother Jones Latinx Activists Are Closer Than Ever to Flipping Arizona—If Democrats Don’t Take Them for Granted
September 24, 2020

Bloomberg How Biden Might Change Trump’s Immigration Policies
By Adam M. Taylor and Michael Smallberg
September 24, 2020

Associated Press Trump won’t commit to peaceful transfer of power if he loses
September 24, 2020

Washington Post Virus’s unseen hot zone: The American farm
By Laura Reiley and Beth Reinhard
September 24, 2020

Politico DHS whistleblower testimony delayed again amid security clearance dispute
September 24, 2020

Politico U.S. lawmakers raise concerns as border restrictions turn transit hubs into ‘ghost towns’
September 24, 2020

The Hill DHS proposing time limits on international students, exchange visitors
September 24, 2020

The Hill Hootsuite reverses after criticism of contract with ICE
September 24, 2020

WBUR ‘It’s Scarier Than Having A Surgery’: A Year Later, Uncertainty Around Medical Deferrals Remains
By Shannon Dooling
September 24, 2020

Washington Post (Iowa) The code: How genetic science helped expose a secret coronavirus outbreak
By Sarah Kaplan, Desmond Butler, Juliet Eilperin, Chris Mooney and Luis Velarde
September 24, 2020

Miami Herald (Florida) South Florida ICE detainees required to go attend court regardless of whether they have COVID
September 24, 2020

Baltimore Sun (Maryland) Howard detention center policy to accept only ICE detainees convicted of violent crimes is effective immediately
By Ana Faguy
September 24, 2020

Desert Sun (California) Ninth Circuit: Judge can order ICE to take steps to stop outbreak at Adelanto facility
By Rebecca Plevin
September 24, 2020

NBC Los Angeles (California) ICE Accuses LA County of Continuing to Hinder Its Efforts to Detain Undocumented Immigrants
September 24, 2020

Fresno Bee (California) This California Republican sponsored the DREAM Act. Democrats say he’s against immigrants
September 24, 2020

El Paso Times (Texas) At the six-month mark, El Pasoans face headaches and heartache over U.S.-Mexico border restrictions
By Veronica Martinez and Lauren Villagran
September 24, 2020

Chicago Sun Times (Illinois) Immigrants rush to submit citizenship applications days before fee is set to soar
By Elvia Malagón
September 24, 2020

Washington Post (Opinion) The Republican war on democracy is just getting started
By Paul Waldman
September 24, 2020

Politico (Opinion) Time for Democrats to Call Trump’s Bluff
September 25, 2020

Washington Post (Op-ed) ICE is accused of sterilizing detainees. That echoes the U.S.’s long history of forced sterilization.
By Steven Moore
September 25, 2020

Roll Call (Op-ed) Why these two former GOP congressmen are supporting Joe Biden
By Charles K. Djou and Mickey Edwards
September 25, 2020

Denver Post (Op-ed) Guest commentary: Funding immigrant defense promotes justice and a strong legal system
September 24, 2020

Arizona Mirror (Op-ed) Trump has mounted an unprecedented attack on legal immigration. America will be worse for it.
By Charles C. Foster
September 24, 2020


CNN en Español Las mujeres impulsan la preferencia de voto por Biden en 3 estados, según encuesta (Video)
By Juan Carlos López
September 24, 2020

Noticiero Univision Cámara Baja da luz verde para que USCIS tenga un programa ‘premium’ y algunos de sus trámites puedan agilizarse (Video)
By Pablo Gato
September 24, 2020

Noticiero Univision Ella es Norma Pimentel, la monja hispana elegida por la revista Times como una de las 100 personas más influyentes del mundo (Video)
By Francisco Cobos
September 24, 2020

La Opinión (CA) Administración Trump quiere dificultar más la solicitudes de asilo con nueva regla
September 24, 2020

Univision Noticias El gobierno anuncia cambio a programas de visas de estudiantes y corresponsales de prensa extranjera
By Jorge Cancino
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Amnistía Internacional le pone ojo a Chad Wolf y exige investigarlo por violaciones a derechos humanos
By Agencia EFE
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Congreso ordena inspección de cárcel de ICE por denuncias sobre extirpación de útero a inmigrantes
By Agencia EFE
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Las deportaciones irregulares de ICE
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Administracion Trump impondrá nuevas restricciones a estudiantes y periodistas extranjeros
By Jesús García
September 24, 2020

Noticias Telemundo Activista comprometida con el cambio climático hace un llamado al voto en elecciones presidenciales (Video)
September 24, 2020

Noticias Telemundo Aumentan los contagios de COVID-19 en seis vecindarios de Nueva York (Video)
September 24, 2020

Univision 34- Atlanta El médico que supuestamente esterilizó a inmigrantes en Irwin no está acreditado según la junta de obstetras
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Fauci advierte de la gran importancia de “que las minorías sean vacunadas”
By Agencia EFE
September 24, 2020

El Nuevo Herald Mucarsel-Powell pide investigación del FBI sobre la desinformación en los medios hispanos
By Alex Daugherty
September 24, 2020

El Nuevo Herald Voto por correo: ¿Podrá manejarlo Servicio Postal de EEUU?
By Anthony Izaguirre y Pia Deshpande- Associated Press
September 24, 2020

Noticias Telemundo El 40% de familias en EE.UU. enfrentan problemas financieros a causa del COVID-19, según encuesta (Video)
September 24, 2020

Univision- Destino 2020 ¿Miami-Dade un condado “santuario”? Esto fue lo que dijo el comisionado Esteban Bovo
September 24, 2020

Noticiero Univision El 60% de los negocios en EEUU que ha cerrado debido al coronavirus no volverá a abrir, según un estudio (Video)
By Blanca Rosa Vilchez
September 23, 2020

Chicago Tribune EEUU investiga ‘esterilizaciones forzosas’ a mexicanas
September 24, 2020

La Gran Época Un autocine fue el lugar de ceremonia de ciudadanía para 150 nuevos estadounidenses debido a COVID-19
By Louise Bevan
September 24, 2020

CNN en Español Abuchean a Trump mientras rinde homenaje a la jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg en la Corte Suprema (Video)
September 24, 2020

El Nuevo Herald Abuchean a Trump en su visita a los restos de la jueza Ginsburg en la Corte Suprema
September 24, 2020

El Nuevo Herald Podcast: ¿Son los latinos más vulnerables a creer en teorías conspiratorias?
By Esther Piccolino
September 24, 2020

El Nuevo Herald ‘Campaña de Biden no toca puertas en la Florida’. El dinero de Mike Bloomberg puede cambiar eso
By David Smiley
September 24, 2020

Noticias Telemundo El presidente Trump acude al homenaje de la jueza Ginsburg y es recibido con abucheos: “¡Sáquenlo con el voto!”
September 24, 2020

La Opinión VIDEO: Abuchean a Trump al hacer guardia a féretro de jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg en Corte Suprema
September 24, 2020

La Opinión Qué significa el “pago premium” para trámites migratorios que avanza en el Congreso
By Agencia EFE
September 24, 2020

Univision Noticias Los héroes de la pandemia: “Si el mundo está ardiendo, yo siento que tengo que ayudar a apagar el fuego”
By Andrea Patiño y Victoria Bouloubasis
September 24, 2020

Univision Noticias “¡Voten y sáquenlo!”: Donald Trump es abucheado en el funeral de Ruth Bader Ginsburg
September 24, 2020

Univision Noticias El gobierno de Trump propone reducir el tiempo para pedir asilo de un año a solo 15 días
By Jorge Cancino
September 24, 2020

CNN en Español Miles de pasajeros de vuelos comerciales pueden haber estado expuestos al coronavirus desde principios de 2020, dicen los CDC
By Pete Muntean, Jamie Gumbrecht y Gregory Wallace
September 24, 2020

Noticias Telemundo La detención de un inmigrante en una iglesia de Maryland preocupa por una posible violación de protocolos de ICE (Video)
September 23, 2020

Noticias Telemundo El FBI advierte de posibles ataques cibernéticos durante las próximas elecciones
September 23, 2020

Noticias Telemundo Trump rechaza comprometerse a una transición pacífica si pierde las elecciones (Video)
September 23, 2020

Noticias Telemundo Una encuesta revela una elección reñida entre Biden y Trump en Florida (Video)
September 23, 2020

Noticias Telemundo EE.UU. supera los 202,000 muertos por coronavirus y los latinos son los más afectados (Video)
September 24, 2020