America’s Voice
Virginia TPS & DED Holders, Allies, & Leaders are Fighting Back
Fact Checking Trump’s 2020 Ad Immigration Lie
ICYMI: Behind the Movement with José A. Palma, a National Leader in the fight to Save TPS
WFAE Uncertainty About DACA’s Future Leads To Drop In Renewal Applications
October 30, 2019
Associated Press Top Trump Official Regrets Immigrant Medical Relief Decision
October 30, 2019
Reuters Trump rule on health insurance leaves immigrants, companies scrambling for answers
By Kristina Cooke, Mica Rosenberg
October 31, 2019
The Hill Lawsuit challenges White House policy requiring migrant health insurance
By Rachel Frazin
October 30, 2019
The Hill Cuccinelli gets in heated exchange with ‘Squad’ member on health care for migrants
By Justine Coleman
October 30, 2019
Atlanta Journal Constitution His mother propelled him from Cross Keys High School to Yale. Now, she faces deportation.
By Maureen Downey
October 30, 2019
WFAE Uncertainty About DACA’s Future Leads To Drop In Renewal Applications
By Cass Herrington
October 30, 2019
KVOA DACA recipient faces deportation because of new ICE policy
By Denelle Confair
October 30, 2019
Associated Press With DHS Head Departing, Unclear Who Will Be in Charge
October 30, 2019
Reuters Head of DHS to stay as White House struggles to find replacement
October 30, 2019
Politico Republicans shoot down White House plan to install Cuccinelli atop DHS
By Burgess Everett, Anita Kumar, and Daniel Lippman
October 30, 2019
The Hill McAleenan says he’ll stay on at DHS until replacement is announced
By Brett Samuels
October 30, 2019
Associated Press Border Wall, Impeachment Battle Imperil Budget Progress
October 31, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Bipartisan House Deal Opens Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrant Farmworkers
By Michelle Hackman
October 31, 2019
Politico Pelosi and McConnell make push on spending deal — but Trump’s wall looms
By John Bresnahan
October 30, 2019
CNN Inside the new border crisis
October 31, 2019
CNN Ken Cuccinelli denies he’s a white supremacist after Democrat says he only wants ‘Caucasian Americans’ in the US
By Priscilla Alvarez
October 30, 2019
Vox Trump quietly cut legal immigration by up to 65%
By Nicole Narea and Alex Ward
October 30, 2019
By Aila Slisco
October 30, 2019
Military Times Does ICE follow its policies when it comes to deporting military veterans?
By Piper Katarina Hudspeth Blackburn and Sam Cabral
October 30, 2019
Reuters Trump campaign’s Facebook ads call for deporting ‘illegals.’ But in Spanish ads, no mention of it.
October 30, 2019
The Washington Post Trump touts ‘change in Washington,’ rips Democrats over impeachment in World Series ad
By Katie Shepherd
October 31, 2019
Politico The surprise voting bloc Bernie is banking on to win the nomination
By Laura Barron-Lopez and Holly Otterbein
October 30, 2019
The Hill Trump primary challenger Mark Sanford: I would ‘absolutely’ build border wall as president
October 30, 2019
Associated Press US Sued Over Health Insurance Rule for Immigrant Families
October 31, 2019
The Hill Divisive docket to test Supreme Court ahead of 2020
By Harper Neidig
October 31, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Victim’s Family Sues Accused El Paso Shooter, His Family and 8chan
By Elizabeth Findell and Erin Ailworth
October 30, 2019
Politico CNN defends new contributor Sean Duffy while anchors decry his ‘anti-immigrant bigotry’
By Michael Calderone
October 30, 2019
CNN Latino artist wins prestigious portrait competition for depiction of a migrant woman
By Leah Asmelash
October 30, 2019
Teen Vogue Teen Immigrants Bullied Because of Culture, Language, and More
By Annette Lin
October 30, 2019
The Washington Post (Virginia) Days before Nov. 5 election, Virginia Republicans take hard right turn
By Gregory S. Schneider and Laura Vozzella
October 31, 2019
The Washington Post (Virginia) In Northern Virginia, an ‘unprecedented’ chance to shape criminal justice
By Justin Jouvenal
October 30, 2019
Boston Globe (Editorial) Focus on immigration shifts attention from a more serious problem — cartels
October 30, 2019
The New York Times (Op-ed) Here’s a Way Forward on Facial Recognition
By Barry Friedman and Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
October 31, 2019
The New York Times (Op-ed) Bernie Sanders throws in the towel on explaining how to fund Medicare-for-all
By Jennifer Rubin
October 30, 2019
The New York Times (Op-ed) If Progressives Don’t Try to Win Over Rural Areas, Guess Who Will
By Greg Goehl
October 30, 2019
Noticiero Univision El 21.9% de las personas en EEUU hablan una lengua extranjera en casa: ¿cuántos en español? (Video)
By Lourdes del Río
October 30, 2019
Noticiero Univision Cruzó la frontera cuando tenía apenas 9 años y acaba de recibir su ‘green card’ (Video)
By Viviana Ávila
October 30, 2019
Noticiero Univision Campesinos manifiestan su preocupación por los efectos de los incendios en California (Video)
By Juan Carlos González
October 30, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Reincidir en infracción de tráfico llevaría a indocumentados directos a la deportación
October 30, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Feliz cumpleaños en la frontera Tijuana-San Diego a una niña con familia separada
By Manuel Ocaño/Especial
October 30, 2019
October 30, 2019
Latino California Nueva ruta bipartidista hacia la legalización de los trabajadores del campo
October 30, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Denuncian irregularidades en deportaciones de venezolanos desde EEUU a terceros países
By Sonia Osorio
October 30, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Los anuncios de Trump en inglés van contra los migrantes. Los anuncios en español sin embargo…
By Ivette Leyva
October 30, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Legisladores demócratas proponen establecer una oficina que luche por la ciudadanía de los inmigrantes
By María Peña / Noticias Telemundo
October 30, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Este inmigrante fue engañado por ICE para ser deportado. Se salvó, pero ahora querían que pagara 100,000 dólares
By Alexandra Plazas
October 30, 2019
La Opinión Más estadounidenses ven a inmigrantes como una amenaza
By Jesús García
October 30, 2019
La Tribuna Hispana Hay políticas migratorias que rayan en el terrorismo
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
October 30, 2019
LatinoCalifornia Nueva ruta bipartidista hacia la legalización de los trabajadores del campo
By Frank Sharry
October 30, 2019
La Opinión Ahora USCIS permite a inmigrantes solicitar a sus familiares en línea
October 30, 2019
La Opinión USCIS aumenta costo de servicio exprés para visas
By Jesús García
October 30, 2019
Univision Noticias Fallo judicial: dos DUI abren automáticamente la puerta de la deportación de EEUU
By Jorge Cancino
October 30, 2019
Univision 23- Miami Activistas denuncian que los inmigrantes venezolanos son blanco de maltratos en centros de detención de ICE (Video)
October 30, 2019
Univision Noticias Ahora los solicitantes de asilo no van a saber cuándo les darán sus permisos de trabajo
By Jorge Cancino
October 30, 2019
La Opinión Miroslava Cerpas teme por su vida, pero seguirá defendiendo a inmigrantes. Premian a la hondureña en Nueva York
By Jesús García
October 30, 2019
Herald Mail Media Inspector pinta una imagen positiva de los centros de detención de migrantes, en contraste con las auditorías
By Sarah Varney Kaiser Health News
October 30, 2019
Herald Mail Media Solicitantes de asilo son blanco de secuestradores, extorsionistas y traficantes mientras esperan en México
By Wendy Fry y Gustavo Solis
October 30, 2019
Diario Digital EE.UU.: Cifra récord de menores no acompañados en la frontera con México en 2019
October 30, 2019
La Opinión Director de ICE culpa a “ciudades santuario” de proteger a inmigrantes criminales; acusa reincidencia del 70%
October 30, 2019
CNN en Español Cerca de 475.000 familias migrantes arrestadas en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, un aumento del 342%
By Priscilla Alvarez y Geneva Sands
October 30, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El Fiscal General emite dos regulaciones que limitan las formas en que los inmigrantes pueden luchar contra la deportación
By Adiel Kaplan / NBC News
October 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Veterano asegura que EEUU debe frenar el “doble castigo” de deportar a migrantes que lucharon por el país
By María Peña/ Noticias Telemundo
October 29, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Hay más mujeres en centros de detención de migrantes y en cárceles en todo el país, dice informe
By María Peña / Noticias Telemundo
October 29, 2019
Noticiero Univision La hondureña que le ganó la batalla al cáncer y que ahora lucha por no ser deportada (Video)
October 29, 2019
Hoy Dallas Hay políticas migratorias que rayan en el terrorismo
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
October 29, 2019