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Immigration Reform News November 21, 2019 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

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ICYMI: “Can the Supreme Court Save Itself?”

The Asylum Process is a ‘Shell Game’ For the Trump Administration


ABC 15 Newly Registered Voters choose “Party” over “No Preference”
By Garrett Archer
November 21, 2019

Rick Ungar Show Rick Ungar Full Show 11-15-19
November 15, 2019

Charolotte Observer Foundation for the Carolinas under scrutiny over grants to anti-immigration groups
By Teo Armus and Ames Alexander
November 20, 2019

BuzzFeed The Trump Administration Will Deport People Seeking Asylum In The US To Guatemala Without Them Seeing A Lawyer First
By Hamed Aleaziz
November 20, 2019

The New York Times Border Patrol Agent Who Hit Migrant With Truck Is Sentenced to Probation
By Ford Burkhart and Mihir Zaveri
November 20, 2019

The Washington Post New acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf visits border in El Paso
By Robert Moore
November 21, 2019

CNN Homeland Security Department sued for allegedly tracking and interrogating journalists
By Priscilla Alvarez
November 20, 2019

CNN Carolyn Maloney elected first woman to lead House Oversight Committee
By Paul LeBlanc
November 20, 2019

CNN Why one group is paying $2.1 million to free about 200 detained immigrants
By Catherine E. Shoichet
November 20, 2019

CNN Senate to vote on short-term funding bill to avert shutdown as deadline looms
By Clare Foran and Ted Barrett
November 20, 2019

Border Report First-hand account of migrants surrendering to Border Patrol agents in South Texas
By Sandra Sanchez
November 20, 2019

Forbes Trump Plans Far-Reaching Set Of New Immigration Regulations
By Stuart Anderson
November 21, 2019

The New York Times Democrats at Georgia Debate Use the State to Make a Case on Voting Rights
By Nick Corasaniti
November 21, 2019

The Washington Post Sanders gets biographical
By Reis Thebault
November 21, 2019

Christian Science Monitor As Latinos’ political clout grows, could U.S. follow path of California?
By Francine Kiefer
November 21, 2019

Reuters Mexicans Sue Walmart Over Texas Shooting That Left Victims on Both Sides of Border
By Julie Love
November 21, 2019

Associated Press Latino war veteran files $1M claim for immigration arrest
November 20, 2019

Associated Press Arizona border activist acquitted of harboring immigrants
By Astrid Galvan
November 20, 2019

The Washington Post D.C. police investigate teen’s claim of injury during street encounter with officer
By Peter Hermann and Marissa J. Lang
November 20, 2019

The Hill Minority lawmakers call out Google for hiring former Trump DHS official
By Rafael Bernal
November 20, 2019

Associated Press (Nebraska) Nebraska is 1st to share drivers’ records with Census Bureau
By Mike Schneider and Grant Schulte
November 20, 2019

Associated Press (New York) Judge to rule by year end on ICE arrests at New York courts
November 20, 2019

CNN (Florida) Florida billboards demand the US government stop detaining migrant children
By Harmeet Kaur
November 20, 2019

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin) Wisconsin’s dairy industry would collapse without the work of Latino immigrants – many of them undocumented
By Maria Perez
November 20, 2019

Texas Tribune (Texas) South Texas is known for its moderates. A primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar could test that.
By J. Edward Moreno
November 20, 2019

Modesto Bee (California) Stanislaus County sheriff turns over 84 jail inmates to ICE. Some want this to stop
By Ken Carlson
November 20, 2019

The New York Times (Opinion) Can the Supreme Court Save Itself?
By Linda Greenhouse
November 21, 2019

The New York Times (Op-ed) What Democrats Need to Know to Win Latinos
By Arnold Garcia and Kyle Longley
November 20, 2019

The New York Times (Op-ed) To Take on the Religious Right, We Need a Religious Left
By Bianca Vivion Brooks
November 21, 2019

The Washington Post (Op-ed) The military needs immigrants. The Trump administration wants to keep them out.
By Loren DeJonge Schulman
November 20, 2019

The Washington Post (Op-ed) Explaining the bond between Trump and white evangelicals
By Matthew Avery Sutton
November 20, 2019

The Washington Post (Op-ed) Why family separation is so central to Trump’s immigration vision
By Maddalena Marinari
November 20, 2019

The Hill (Op-ed) A compromise in plain sight: Legalize Dreamers and provide more wall funding
By Daniel Griswold
November 20, 2019

Forbes (Op-ed) We Know What’s Needed: Why Aren’t We Doing It?
By Richard Whitmire
November 20, 2019

Vice (Op-ed) ‘An American Tail’ Explores Bleak Immigrant Struggles That Still Resonate in 2019
By Rebecca Long
November 20, 2019


Noticias Telemundo “Aquí todos los niños se enferman”: así viven los menores olvidados en las carpas fronterizas de Matamoros (Video)
By Edgar Muñoz
November 20, 2019

Noticiero Univision Dos hermanas hondureñas se reencuentran en México tras perder contacto hace una década (Video)
By Jésica Zermeño
November 20, 2019

Noticiero Univision Los migrantes devueltos por EEUU a México se han convertido en “una mina de oro” para el crimen organizado (Video)
By Alberto García
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Descubren que estadounidense llevaba a 8 indocumentados ocultos en la parte trasera de su troca
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Exoneran a un activista de la frontera acusado de refugiar a indocumentados
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Enfrentó 10 años de cárcel por dar agua y comida a indocumentados. Pero lo seguirá haciendo
By Agencia EFE
November 20, 2019

Univision Julián Castro: La voz ausente y necesaria del debate demócrata
By Mayra Macías
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) USCIS alerta de que no se podrán solicitar ciertas visas temporales
By Joel Cazorla
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Abordar la seguridad fronteriza de EEUU a través de la Asociación Económica con Centroamérica
By Matthew Rooney
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Pagan $2.1 millones en fianzas para liberar a 200 inmigrantes detenidos por ICE
November 20, 2019

Univision Caravana de madres centroamericanas avanza por México en busca de migrantes desaparecidos
November 20, 2019

Univision Una decena de mexicanos demanda a Walmart “por no protegerlos” del tiroteo en El Paso
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) ¿Puede un inmigrante indocumentado reclamar jubilación del Seguro Social si vuelve a su país?
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) ‘La Migra’ detiene en frontera con Canadá a indocumentados ocultos en auto
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) El asesinato de una inmigrante indocumentada que ha quedado impune y en el olvido
By Jorge Morales Almada
November 20, 2019

San Diego Union Tribune Save the Children pide anular política de EUA que regresa migrantes a México
November 20, 2019

Los Angeles Times Tras la muerte de menores, los médicos solicitan acceso al centro de detención del CBP para vacunar contra la gripe
By Wendy Fry y Molly Hennessy-Fiske
November 20, 2019

Impacto Latino “No es un crimen solicitar asilo en Estados Unidos”
By Agencia EFE
November 20, 2019

Noticias Telemundo 48 EEUU envía a Guatemala a solicitantes de asilo
November 20, 2019

Prensa Online Una jueza prohíbe a Trump negar el asilo a miles de migrantes que ya lo esperaban en México cuando se prohibió
November 20, 2019

Qué Pasa Noticias Aumento de tarifas de USCIS, una nueva maniobra de Trump contra inmigrantes
By Karina Neyra
November 20, 2019

Qué Pasa Noticias El doble calvario de los inmigrantes Transgénero y Queer en manos de ICE
By Karina Neyra
November 20, 2019

Miami Diario Administración Trump aprueba norma que prohíbe a “miles” de inmigrantes pedir asilo y acelera deportaciones
By Agencia EFE
November 20, 2019

Univision Aseguran que ICE trató de cremar a indocumentado que murió bajo su custodia
November 20, 2019

The Record Reforma de inmigración: entre prioridades del nuevo presidente de USCCB
By Chaz Muth
November 20, 2019

San Diego Union Tribune Advierten que la falta de liderazgo permanente en Seguridad Nacional perjudica a la agencia
By Molly O’Toole
November 20, 2019

Noticias Telemundo Conoce a los precandidatos demócratas a la presidencia previo al quinto debate en Georgia
By Aarón García, Gina Sandoval y Ricardo Rodríguez
November 20, 2019

Al Día (TX) Estados Unidos: Fallo de jueza podría favorecer a miles de solicitantes de asilo
November 20, 2019

Univision Debate demócrata valida que Georgia será clave en elecciones de 2020
November 20, 2019

Negocia Miami EE.UU. endurecerá reglas migratorias para enviar a solicitantes de asilo a otros países
November 20, 2019

San Diego Union Tribune Quizá esto te motive para hacerte ciudadano
By Hiram Soto
November 20, 2019

Univision Jueza prohíbe al gobierno de Trump aplicar con retroactividad una regla reciente que impone retricciones al asilo
November 20, 2019

Despierta América/Univision Mientras Trump insiste en eliminar DACA, un dreamer de 25 años está a punto de graduarse de su tercera carrera (Video)
By Socorro Cruz
November 20, 2019

La Opinión (CA) Un “Capitán América” de 8 años pide asilo ante jueza de inmigración
By Agencia EFE
November 20, 2019