Reuters U.S. Top Court Tosses Ruling Against Illegal Immigration Encouragement Law
May 07, 2020
Politico ‘We’re going to fill it’: Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy
May 07, 2020
Associated Press Official: Strict US Border Policy May Remain as Virus Eases
May 07, 2020
Associated Press US Northern Border Illegal Crossings Rise; Many Are Mexicans
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post Illegal border crossings fell dramatically in April, as U.S. expels thousands using Trump’s coronavirus emergency authority
By Nick Miroff
May 07, 2020
The Hill 90 percent of people apprehended at border expelled under new coronavirus order
By Rafael Bernal
May 07, 2020
The Hill Top Armed Services Republican expects to address Pentagon border wall funds in defense policy bill
May 07, 2020
Associated Press Pence to visit Des Moines amid increase in COVID-19 cases
By Ryan J. Foley
May 07, 2020
Associated Press Advocates Warn of More Immigrant Deaths Without ICE Action
May 07, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Trump Administration Pushes to Extend Coronavirus Immigration Limits
By Michelle Hackman and Andrew Restuccia
May 08, 2020
The Washington Post The ‘very fine people’ at Charlottesville: Who were they?
By Glenn Kessler
May 07, 2020
Politico ‘We’re going to fill it’: Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy
May 07, 2020
The Hill GOP lawmakers press Trump to suspend visas over coronavirus job losses
May 07, 2020
The Hill ICE confirms death of detained immigrant with COVID-19
May 07, 2020
The Hill HHS chief suggests workers are to blame for COVID outbreaks at meatpacking plants
By Rafael Bernal
May 07, 2020
The Hill DHS moving biometrics database to Amazon Cloud
May 07, 2020
CNN Kayleigh McEnany called Trump comment ‘racist,’ ‘hateful’ and ‘not the American way’ in 2015
By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck
May 07, 2020
CNN Justice Department watchdog reviewing decision to keep immigration courts open during pandemic
By Priscilla Alvarez
May 07, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Supreme Court Rebukes Appeals Panel Over Noncitizens Ruling
By Jess Bravin
May 07, 2020
Politico Supreme Court punts on immigration-law case
By Josh Gerstein
May 07, 2020
Politico Trump campaign to unload on Biden with negative ad onslaught
May 07, 2020
The Hill Asian American eligible voter population surges 139 percent, report says
May 07, 2020
Associated Press Minors deported from Mexico to Guatemala positive for virus
By Sonia PÉrez D.
May 07, 2020
The New York Times For Latinos and Covid-19, Doctors are Seeing an ‘Alarming’ Disparity
By Miriam Jordan and Richard A. Oppel Jr.
May 07, 2020
The New York Times ‘This American Life,’ Now a Pulitzer Winner, Is Once More a Pioneer
By Reggie Ugwu
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post Guides to the other side
May 07, 2020
BuzzFeed Clearview AI Has Promised To Cancel All Relationships With Private Companies
By Ryan Mac and Caroline Haskins and Logan McDonald
May 07, 2020
Bloomberg Cold, Crowded, Deadly: How U.S. Meat Plants Became a Virus Breeding Ground
By Peter Waldman, Lydia Mulvany and Polly Mosendz
May 07, 2020
The New York Times (New York) A Quarantine Hospital So Unwelcome that New Yorkers Burned it Down
By John Freeman Gill
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post (New York) At a New York relief kitchen, urgency meets empathy as immigrants create thousands of meals a day
By Richard Morgan
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post (Massachusetts) She begged her virus-stricken partner to go to the hospital. He refused until it was too late.
By Michael E. Miller
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post (Wisconsin) Wisconsin chief justice sparks backlash by saying covid-19 outbreak is among meatpacking workers, not ‘the regular folks’
By Meagan Flynn
May 07, 2020
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin) Wisconsin governor announces free coronavirus testing for African Americans, Latinos
By Mary Spicuzza Alison Dirr
May 07, 2020
NBC (Illinois) In Illinois, Latinos have highest cases of coronavirus, and officials worry about a spike in deaths
By Nicole Acevedo
May 07, 2020
Houston Chronicle (Op-ed) Opinion: Latina Congresswomen fight for latino community during COVID-19
By Reps. Sylvia Garcia, Veronica Escobar and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
May 07, 2020
The Wall Street Journal (Editorial) Judges Aren’t Legal Coaches
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) What white Americans can learn about racism from the coronavirus
By Vanessa Williams
May 07, 2020
The Atlantic (Opinion) Essential, and No Longer Disposable
By Ronald Brownstein
May 07, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Spoiled Milk, Rotten Vegetables and a Very Broken Food System
By Jennifer Clapp
May 07, 2020
New York Times (Op-Ed) If Trump Wants Meat Plants Open, He Should Protect Their Workers
By Richard Trumka
May 07, 2020
The Washington Post (Op-ed) Pandemics come and go. The way people respond to them barely changes.
By Mary E. Fissell
May 07, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) For the Democratic Party — there’s a chance to win out West
May 07, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) COVID-19’s distinctive footprint on immigrants in the United States
May 07, 2020
American Prospect (Op-ed) Citizen Children Left Out of Coronavirus Relief Efforts Deserve a Lifeline
May 07, 2020
Los Angeles Times (Op-ed) Op-Ed: We were left to sicken and die from the coronavirus in immigration detention. Here’s how I got out
May 08, 2020
CNN en Español Una madre mexicana usa su creatividad para sacar adelante a su familia en la pandemia (Video)
By Gonzalo Alvarado
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Familiares de mexicanos muertos por COVID-19 en Estados Unidos luchan para poder repatriar sus cuerpos (Video)
By Issa Osorio
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Hispano se reinventa para poder generar dinero y sobrevivir durante la pandemia (Video)
By Rubén Pereida
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo El número de hispanos desempleados en Estados Unidos es el doble que los anglosajones (Video)
By FRancisco Cuevas
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo “Están pidiendo a gritos por salir”, afirma hermana de primer migrante fallecido con COVID-19 bajo custodia de ICE (Video)
By Guadalupe Venegas
May 07, 2020
Noticiero Univision La historia de un médico hispano en Nueva York que superó el coronavirus y continúa salvando vidas (Video)
By Fabiola Galindo
May 07, 2020
Noticiero Univision A raíz de la pandemia del coronavirus, se registra un descenso en el número de arrestos de migrantes en la frontera (Video)
By María Eugenia Payán
May 08, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Coronavirus prueba que la desigualdad económica es mortal para los hispanos
By Juan Mesa
May 07, 2020
Noticiero Univision Esto es lo que se sabe del primer inmigrante hispano en custodia de ICE que murió a causa del coronavirus (Video)
By Pedro Ultreras
May 07, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Republicanos piden a Trump suspender visas de trabajo temporal, excepto a campesinos
By Jorge Morales Almada
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Temor en centro de detención de Georgia por fuerte impacto del coronavirus en la zona
By Agencia EFE
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo ¿Es inconstitucional la exclusión de ayuda económica a los hijos de indocumentados?: la abogada Alma Rosa Nieto responde
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Marco Rubio dice no estar enterado de que familias con indocumentados no tienen derecho a ayudas por COVID-19 (Video)
May 07, 2020
Univision Noticias “Ellos tienen todo el poder de dejarlos libres y no lo hacen”, dice hermana de inmigrante muerto en cárcel de ICE por covid-19
By Jorge Cancino
May 07, 2020
Univision Chicago Más de 3,000 personas piden unirse a demanda contra Trump por negar ‘cheque’ a ciudadanos casados con indocumentados
By Alma Campos y Estefania Flores Rueda
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Temor en centro de detención de Georgia por fuerte impacto del coronavirus en la zona
By Agencia EFE
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Abogados brindan orientación a inmigrantes a través de Facebook
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Trump insiste en pintar el muro fronterizo para que sea “más caliente que el sol”. Pero puede salir muy caro
May 07, 2020
Univision Noticias Corte Suprema revive caso que puede enviar a la cárcel a abogados que representan a indocumentados
By Jorge Cancino
May 07, 2020
Univision Noticias En un minuto: Un salvadoreño, el primer inmigrante muerto por covid-19 en una cárcel de ICE (Video)
May 07, 2020
Noticiero Univision En plena pandemia del coronavirus, ICE está enviando a migrantes a centros de detención en áreas rurales (Video)
By Pablo Gato
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Corte Suprema descarta apoyar decisión sobre patrocinar la inmigración de indocumentados
By Jesús García
May 07, 2020
Reuters EEUU registra primera muerte por coronavirus de inmigrante detenido
May 07, 2020
Yahoo Noticias EEUU registra primera muerte por coronavirus de inmigrante detenido
By Reuters
May 07, 2020
Noticias Telemundo La comunidad latina es una de las más afectada por coronavirus en Chicago (Video)
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Corte Suprema de California niega petición de hispanos para impedir ayuda económica a indocumentados
May 07, 2020
La Opinión Inmigrantes excluidos de ayuda económica federal recibirán apoyo gracias a fondo especial
By Jesús García
May 07, 2020
Los Angeles Times Primer detenido de ICE que muere por COVID-19 tras ser hospitalizado, estaba en el Centro de Detención de Otay Mesa
By Kate Morrissey
May 07, 2020
Colorado Latino News WorldReach: el programa de verificación de inmigración mediante identidad remota más exitoso del mundo
May 07, 2020