El Semanario Generating further terror adn panic in immigrant communities
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 02, 2020
PBS News Hour WATCH LIVE: Trump speaks at Latino Coalition Legislative Summit
March 04, 2020
The New York Times (Opinion) The Open Borders Trap
By Jason DeParle
March 04, 2020
Yahoo Sanders’s wins on Super Tuesday show power of Latino vote
By Caitlin Dickson
March 04, 2020
The Washington Times Trump says booming economy, border wall bringing more Hispanics to his side
By Dave Boyer
March 04, 2020
Washington Times Kim Kardashian West meeting Trump at White House with women granted clemency
By Dave Boyer
March 04, 2020
Associated Press Court Blocks ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy on Part of US Border
March 04, 2020
The New York Times Appeals Court Allows ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy to Continue Blocking Migrants at the Border
By Miriam Jordan
March 04, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Court That Blocked ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Allows Trump Plan to Continue for Now
By Brent Kendall and Alicia A. Caldwell
March 04, 2020
Associated Press House passes bipartisan $8.3B bill to battle coronavirus
By Andrew Taylor
March 05, 2020
The New York Times ‘Flood the Streets’: ICE Targets Sanctuary Cities With Increased Surveillance
By Caitlin Dickerson, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Annie Correal
March 05, 2020
The Washington Post Bill would end practice of using confidential therapy notes against detained immigrant children
By Hannah Dreier
March 04, 2020
The Hill Trump touts economic success at Hispanic convention
By Rafael Bernal
March 04, 2020
BuzzFeed A Secret Memo Revealed How A Transgender Immigrant Bleeding From Her Rectum Waited 13 Days For Care While Jailed By ICE
By Hamed Aleaziz
March 04, 2020
ProPublica The Trump Administration Calls Iraq Dangerous for Christians — Until It Wants to Deport Them
By Yeganeh Torbati
March 04, 2020
Slate The Supreme Court Is at Its Most Divided
March 04, 2020
Associated Press Long Lines Mar Super Tuesday Voting in Two Biggest States
March 04, 2020
The New York Times Latinos and Young People Come Through for Sanders in California
By Jennifer Medina and Tim Arango
March 04, 2020
The New York Times How Huge Voter Turnout Eluded Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday
By Sydney Ember and Maggie Astor
March 04, 2020
The Wall Street Journal Top Takeaways From Tuesday’s House, Senate Primaries
By Andrew Duehren
March 04, 2020
Politico Black voters deliver for Biden and Latinos powered Sanders’ night: Breaking down the Super Tuesday vote
March 04, 2020
NBC Latinos boosted Sanders on Super Tuesday. A lesson for the Biden campaign?
By Suzanne Gamboa
March 04, 2020
The Hill Democratic Rep. Cox advances in California primary
March 04, 2020
The Hill How Bernie Sanders can become the electable candidate
March 04, 2020
Vox Latino voters might have saved Bernie Sanders’s campaign
By Nicole Narea
March 04, 2020
Slate The Supreme Court Just Gave the Border Patrol a License to Kill
March 04, 2020
Reuters Stranded in Southern Mexico, Migrants Struggle to Make U.S. Court Dates
March 04, 2020
The Washington Post Democracy is in decline around the world — and Trump is part of the problem
By Ishaan Tharoor
March 04, 2020
Associated Press Critics of Oprah Book Club Title Put New Novel on Trial
March 04, 2020
Reuters ‘They’re addicted to me’: How immigrants keep U.S. heartland cities afloat
By Howard Schneider
March 04, 2020
The New York Times A Global Outbreak Is Fueling the Backlash to Globalization
By Peter S. Goodman
March 04, 2020
Vox Why pandemics activate xenophobia
By Sean Illing
March 04, 2020
WUSA Immigration scammers pose as ICE, stealing from terrified victims
By Jonathan Franklin
March 04, 2020
Houston Chronicle (Texas) New Trump administration policies fast-track some children’s immigration court hearings, including video pilot in Houston
By Lomi Kriel
March 04, 2020
Dallas Morning News (Texas) Meet the immigrant moms leading a 2020 census outreach effort in Northwest Dallas
By Obed Manuel
March 05, 2020
Miami Herald (Florida) This YouTube star made his mark among recently arrived Cubans — and got them to act
March 04, 2020
The Washington Post (Opinion) Trump’s ugly new strategy against surging Biden undercuts itself
By Greg Sargent
March 04, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Almost a Graduate and Almost Homeless
By Ian Kumamoto
March 05, 2020
Politico (Op-ed) What Bloomberg Got Wrong
March 04, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) How the Democratic candidates should talk to voters about Cuba
March 04, 2020
STAT News (Op-ed) Trump’s immigration policies will make the coronavirus pandemic worse
March 04, 2020
El Semanario Generando más terror y pánico en las comunidades de inmigrantes
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 02, 2020
CNN en Español El presidente Trump como orador principal en la conferencia anual del Latino Coalition (Video)
By Ione Molinares
March 04, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Latinos narran la pesadilla que vivieron durante el tornado de Nashville (Video)
By Rubén Pereida
March 04, 2020
Noticiero Univision Participación latina en California durante las primarias del Supermartes fue sin precedentes, asegura experto (Video)
By Jaime García
March 05, 2020
Noticiero Univision Les niegan la visa a varios niños mexicanos invitados a participar a un evento literario en Texas (Video)
By Jésica Zermeño
March 05, 2020
Noticiero Univision Trump reconoce la importancia del voto latino en un almuerzo con la Coalición Latina en Washington (Video)
By Janet Rodríguez
March 05, 2020
Noticiero Univision Corte Suprema dictamina que los estados pueden enjuiciar a migrantes que usen documentos falsos (Video)
By Fabiola Galindo
March 05, 2020
Noticiero Univision Una coalición de 19 estados demanda a la administración Trump por desviar fondos para el muro (Video)
By Pablo Gato
March 05, 2020
La Opinión (CA) No renuncies a tus beneficios
By Virginia Gaglianone
March 05, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Una serie animada advierte sobre las trampas de ICE para arrestar a inmigrantes
March 05, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Informe secreto revela que ICE dejó a mujer sangrando por el recto durante casi dos semanas
March 04, 2020
La Opinión (CA) En video: Agentes de ICE realizan operativo armados con fusiles de alto poder
March 04, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Temen que el coronavirus se propague por operativos de ICE
March 04, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Trump ante empresarios hispanos: defiende el muro fronterizo, los recortes de impuestos y el acuerdo comercial con México
By María Peña
March 04, 2020
Noticias Telemundo El voto latino favoreció a Bernie Sanders durante el Supermartes con un 44%, según encuesta de NBC (Video)
By Julio Vaqueiro
March 04, 2020
Noticiero Univision Joe Biden refuerza su aspiración presidencial tras ganar 10 de los 14 estados en el Supermartes (Video)
By Pedro Rojas
March 04, 2020
Noticiero Univision Así fue la participación de los hispanos durante este Supermartes en el condado de Harris, Texas (Video)
By Pedro Rojas
March 04, 2020
La Raza (IL) Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
La Prensa (FL) Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
El Diario-La Prensa (NY) Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
Noticias Telemundo La mitad de los latinos apoyó a Bernie Sanders. ¿La razón? Quieren un sistema de salud universal
March 04, 2020
La Opinión Increíble: Trump agradece a inmigrantes y los llama “héroes” en cumbre con líderes latinos
By Joel Cazorla
March 04, 2020
CNN en Español Jorge Castañeda: Los hispanos pueden sacar a Trump de la presidencia de EE.UU. (Video)
March 04, 2020
Los 7 Días Un Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
La Opinión ICE deportará a hispano a pesar de tener dos hijos con autismo
March 04, 2020
El Nuevo Herald Supermartes confirma que el voto latino será muy importante
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
Hoy Dallas Supermartes de “supersorpresas”
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
El Nuevo Herald Funcionarios de inmigración se comprometen a no hacer redadas en hospitales si se propaga el coronavirus
By Monique O. Madame
March 04, 2020
El Nuevo Herald Inmigrantes caribeños por fin podrán decir de dónde son en el Censo. Y no están solos
By Jacqueline Charles
March 04, 2020
Univision Noticias 19 estados demandan al gobierno de Trump por desviar fondos para el muro fronterizo
March 03, 2020
Univision Noticias Migrantes que aguardan en México sus casos de asilo viven en “condiciones abismales”, denuncian senadores
By Jorge Cancino
March 04, 2020
La Opinión Patrulla Fronteriza detiene a 9 inmigrantes en Nueva York
March 04, 2020
La Tribuna Hispana Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
La Opinión En video: Agente de ICE arresta a un inmigrante que acudía a un tribunal
By Jorge Morales Almada
March 04, 2020
HispanicLA Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
Radio Bilingüe Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
La Opinión Deportación masiva de cubanos en Miami preocupa a la comunidad indocumentada y los que están en proceso de asilo
March 04, 2020
El Nuevo Herald Deportan a 119 cubanos a La Habana, el vuelo salió desde el aeropuerto de Miami
By Monique O. Madame
March 03, 2020
Univision 23- Miami Inmigrantes que interrumpan el tiempo de residencia en EEUU podrían ver afectada su ciudadanía
March 03, 2020
LatinoCalifornia Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020
HDN/Washington Latino News Supermartes de supersorpresas
By Maribel Hastings y David Torres
March 04, 2020