Associated Press Justices Seem Divided Over Court Access for Asylum Seekers
March 02, 2020
Reuters U.S. Supreme Court Conservatives Lean Toward Trump Over Rapid Deportation
March 02, 2020
The New York Times Supreme Court Weighs Whether Rejected Asylum Seekers Can Sue
By Adam Liptak
March 02, 2020
Reuters U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Another Cross-Border Shooting Claim
By Lawrence Hurley
March 02, 2020
Reuters Exclusive: Serious Health Care Lapses Found in U.S. Detention Center Housing Transgender Migrants
By Mica Rosenberg and Ted Hesson
March 02, 2020
Politico ‘Expect an appeal’: Cuccinelli rejects judge’s ruling against his appointment
March 02, 2020
Vox A court ruled that Ken Cuccinelli’s appointment at US Citizenship and Immigration Services wasn’t legal
By Nicole Narea
March 02, 2020
The World Lawyers struggle to remotely represent asylum-seekers in ‘Remain in Mexico’ program
By Jack Herrera
March 02, 2020
The New York Times The Overlooked Voters Who Could Decide the 2020 Race
By Jennifer Medina and Manny Fernandez
March 02, 2020
Politico The End of Buttigieg’s Bridge Experiment
March 02, 2020
Politico Trump goes after Dems in Super Tuesday eve rally
March 03, 2020
Politico Biden campaign predicts Texas upset over Sanders
March 03, 2020
Politico Inside Bernie’s ‘secret strategy’ to win huge in California
March 03, 2020
Politico Why many black Democrats are giving Bloomberg a pass on stop-and-frisk
March 02, 2020
Politico 7 things you need to know about congressional races on Super Tuesday
March 03, 2020
The Hill Poll: Sanders up among California Hispanics
By Rafael Bernal
March 02, 2020
USA Today Biden faces big test with Latino voters on Super Tuesday as he seeks to cut into Sanders’ strength
By Maureen Groppe, Rebecca Morin, John C Moritz, and Rebecca Plevin
March 03, 2020
CNN 4 Democratic candidates. 6 major issues. Hear their promises
By Keith O’Shea and Chris Youd
March 02, 2020
CNN Hear what the 2020 candidates have to say about immigration
March 02, 2020
CNN 4 things to watch as Biden and Sanders face off on Super Tuesday
By Eric Bradner, Gregory Krieg and Dan Merica,
March 02, 2020
Yahoo Farmers focus on immigration policy in Texas ahead of primary
March 02, 2020
Yahoo Immigration and border control remain key issues for voters
March 02, 2020
The Guardian ‘He’s working for it’: why Latinos are rallying behind Sanders
By Lauren Gambino
March 02, 2020
KUT On Eve Of Super Tuesday, Texas’ Latino Vote Is Still ‘Up For Grabs’
By Ashley Lopez
March 02, 2020
KCRW Bernie Sanders gains popularity among California’s Latinx voters, poll shows
By Madeleine Brand
March 02, 2020
Reuters Mexico Speeds Up Extraditions of Cartel Bosses to U.S
March 02, 2020
Associated Press Decades after killing, man with dementia faces deportation
By Kate Brumback
March 02, 2020
The Washington Post Many young children are now going without health insurance
By Michael Ollove
March 02, 2020
CNN Shelters told to report any coronavirus cases among migrant children
By Priscilla Alvarez
March 02, 2020
The Washington Post (Texas) In fight for the political soul of Texas, Democrats seize on diversity in bid to flip state House
By Tim Craig
March 02, 2020
Politico (New York) Lawsuit charges ICE is illegally detaining immigrants before hearings
March 02, 2020
Texas Observer (Texas) Following a Protest, ICE Transfers Dozens of Asylum Seekers to an Isolated Laredo Facility
By Acacia Coronado
March 02, 2020
Daily Advertiser (Louisiana) ‘It’s hope’: Volunteers offer lifeline to detainees in ICE detention centers in Louisiana
By Maria Clark
March 03, 2020
Chicago Tribune (Illinois) DACA-eligible Chicago man released after 9 months in immigration detention, thanks to his brother’s activism
March 02, 2020
Arizona Republic (Arizona) SB 1070: A legacy of fear, divisiveness and fulfillment
March 02, 2020
CNN (Opinion) Biden is rising. But Sanders has a hidden edge today.
By Ronald Brownstein
March 03, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) It’s Not All Just About Biden and Sanders in California on Super Tuesday
By Miriam Pawel
March 02, 2020
The New York Times (Op-ed) Will the Courts Hand Trump Even More Unchecked Power?
By Margaret L. Taylor
March 02, 2020
The Hill (Op-ed) Moving funds from approved defense budgets is unwarranted and unwise
March 02, 2020
LatinoCalifornia No es momento de politizar la respuesta al coronavirus, ni de “culpar a los inmigrantes”
March 02, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Migrantes en la frontera esperan con angustia la decisión judicial sobre el programa ‘Quédate en México’ (Video)
By Raúl Torres
March 02, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Los votantes latinos serán clave en este ‘super martes’ de elecciones primarias (Video)
By María Paula Ochoa
March 02, 2020
Noticiero Univision Sanders tiene casi el triple de apoyo que Biden entre latinos registrados para votar en California: encuesta de Univision (Video)
By Jaime García
March 02, 2020
Noticiero Univision De puerta en puerta, jóvenes dreamers urgen a los hispanos a votar en las elecciones de noviembre (Video)
By Pedro Ultreras
March 02, 2020
Noticiero Univision Preocupación entre mexicanos ante la posibilidad de que Trump ordene cerrar la frontera debido al coronavirus (Video)
By Jésica Zermeño
March 02, 2020
La Opinión (CA) Se aplicó una política de ‘tortura’ en la frontera
By Manuel Ocaño/Especial
March 02, 2020
Univision Noticias Corte Suprema determinará si solicitantes de asilo tienen derecho a revisión de sus casos
By Jorge Cancino
March 02, 2020
Univision Noticias ICE: abogado sobornó a funcionarios para obtener información confidencial de migrantes detenidos
By Isaias Alvarado
March 02, 2020
Univision Noticias Trump intensifica la ofensiva contra la inmigración legal
By Daniel Morcate
March 02, 2020
La Opinión La “trampa cibernética” de ICE que afecta a inmigrantes
March 02, 2020
La Opinión Crean el grupo “Cazadores de ICE”
By Agencia EFE
March 02, 2020
LatinoCalifornia No es momento de politizar la respuesta al coronavirus, ni de “culpar a los inmigrantes”
By America’s Voice
March 02, 2020
CNN en Español Esta política inmigratoria viola la confidencialidad sagrada entre paciente y médico
By David M. Perry
March 02, 2020
Hola News Suspenden deportación de inmigrante en santuario
By Paola Jaramillo
March 02, 2020
San Diego Union-Tribune ¿Qué ofrecen los candidatos demócratas en temas importantes para los latinos?
March 02, 2020
Impacto Latino Los “Cazadores de ICE”, listos para desplegarse en las calles de Atlanta
By Marcelo G. Wheelock
March 02, 2020
Radio Bilingüe El Súper Martes y el voto latinx. Algunos rasgos de este elector
March 02, 2020
Univision Portland ICE habla tras convocar judicialmente a condados de Oregon para identificar indocumentados
By Antonio Sánchez
March 02, 2020
La Opinión ¿Qué faltas viales pueden afectar a inmigrantes, incluso para naturalización?
March 02, 2020
Voa Noticias La construcción del muro fronterizo en cifras
March 02, 2020
Yahoo Noticias EXCLUSIVA-Hallan graves fallas sanitarias en centro de detención de EEUU para inmigrantes transgénero
By Mica Rosenberg y Ted Hesson -Reuters
March 02, 2020
Miami Diario Ya abrió la ventanilla de las visas H-1B para el año fiscal 2021
March 02, 2020
Noticias Telemundo Embajador de Estados Unidos en Guatemala insta a familias a quedarse en su país y “evitar el peligro”
By Maria Peña
March 01, 2020
Noticiero Univision Inmigrantes en Carolina del Norte buscan motivar el voto hispano y hacerles frente a las actuales políticas migratorias (Video)
By Pedro Ultreras
March 02, 2020
Univision Chicago Mitos y verdades sobre la regla de carga pública de la administración de Trump (Video)
March 02, 2020