America’s Voice
Trump politicizes terror and cruelty
Nationwide, Editorial Boards Sharpen Their Opposition to Trump’s Mass Deportation Plans
Trump politiza el terror y la crueldad
Associated Press Trump Postpones Nationwide Immigration Enforcement Sweep
June 22, 2019
Associated Press A Look at How Immigration Authorities Make Arrests
June 21, 2019
Reuters Trump Says He Will Delay Deportation Raids for Two Weeks
June 22, 2019
The New York Times Trump Says He’ll Delay Deportation Operation Aimed at Undocumented Families
By Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs
June 22, 2019
The Washington Post Trump’s acting DHS secretary appears wary of the president’s ICE raids. That says a lot.
By Aaron Blake
June 22, 2019
The Washington Post Despite delay of ICE raids, immigrant communities mobilize for roundups
By Maria Sacchetti, Nick Miroff, Rob Kuznia and Arelis R. Hernandez
June 23, 2019
Politico Trump delays ICE deportation raids hours after defending them
By Christian Vasquez
June 22, 2019
NPR Trump Delays Immigration Raids, Giving Democrats ‘Two Weeks’ To Change Asylum Laws
By Franco Ordonez and Bobby Allyn
June 22, 2019
Buzzfeed News Trump Has Unexpectedly Postponed The Nationwide ICE Raids Targeting Immigrant Families
By Hamed Aleaziz and Adolfo Flores
June 22, 2019
Vox Trump postpones ICE’s planned deportation raids in 10 big cities
By Aaron Rupar, Taly Krupkin, and Sean Collins
June 23, 2019
Roll Call Trump delays ICE raids hoping for bipartisan plan — but doesn’t say what he’ll support
By John T. Bennett
June 22, 2019
Reuters House Democrats Propose Reinstating Aid to Central America
June 21, 2019
Politico House Democrats release $4.5B border aid package
By Sarah Ferris and Jennifer Scholtes
June 21, 2019
The Hill This week: Congress set for clash on Trump’s border request
By Jordain Carney and JulieGrace Brufke
June 24, 2019
Associated Press Member of armed border group charged with impersonation
June 23, 2019
Associated Press Texas sending another 1,000 National Guard troops to border
By Clarice Silber
June 21, 2019
Associated Press Military service member found dead in southern Arizona
June 23, 2019
The Washington Post Three children, one woman found dead in Texas near Rio Grande border
By Tim Elfrink
June 24, 2019
The Washington Post Hacked documents reveal sensitive details of expanding border surveillance
By Drew Harwell
June 22, 2019
Associated Press Lawmakers Decry Perilous Federal Lockups for Migrant Kids
June 21, 2019
The New York Times ‘There Is a Stench’: No Soap and Overcrowding in Detention Centers for Migrant Children
By Caitlin Dickerson
June 21, 2019
The New York Times ‘Stop Repeating History’: Plan to Keep Migrant Children at Former Internment Camp Draws Outrage
By Ben Fenwick
June 22, 2019
The Washington Post ‘Where is the money?’: Trump, Pence blame poor migrant detention center conditions on Congress
June 24, 2019
The Washington Post Detained migrant children got no toothbrush, no soap, no sleep. It’s no problem, government argues.
By Meagan Flynn
June 21, 2019
The Hill Texas Republican: Migrant conditions in his state the ‘worst’ he’s seen
By Zack Budryk
June 23, 2019
ABC News Doctor compares conditions for unaccompanied children at immigrant holding centers to ‘torture facilities’
By Serena Marshall, Lana Zak and Jennifer Metz
June 23, 2019
Houston Chronicle Trump administration still separating hundreds of migrant children at the border through often questionable claims of danger
By Lomi Kriel and Dug Begley
June 22, 2019
Reuters Two More Border Cities Added to U.S.-Mexico Asylum Programme-Sources
June 24, 2019
Reuters U.S. Ramps Up Returns of Asylum Seekers to Mexico, Adding Cubans
June 21, 2019
Associated Press Mexico Officials Detain More Migrants as Crackdown Steps Up
June 23, 2019
Associated Press Mexico Says National Guard Deployment Is Complete
June 21, 2019
Reuters Migrants Describe Overcrowded Mexican Detention Centers as Trump Ratchets Up Pressure
June 23, 2019
Politico Biden blasts Trump’s ‘racist invective’ in immigration plan roll-out
By Marc Caputo
June 24, 2019
The Hill Democrats target Florida Hispanics in 2020
By Max Greenwood
June 22, 2019
Associated Press Q&A: Census Citizenship Question Sparks Legal Debate, Fears
June 24, 2019
The Hill Four migrant toddlers hospitalized after time at US border facility: lawyers
By Morgan Gstalter
June 22, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Lawmakers Skeptical of Asylum-Law Changes in Two Weeks
By William Mauldin and Catherine Lucey
June 23, 2019
The Washington Post Viewing U.S. border cells derided as ‘cages,’ Central American officials pledge more immigration cooperation
By Nick Miroff
June 21, 2019
The Washington Post Trump’s erratic policy moves put national security at risk, experts warn
By Felicia Sonmez and David J. Lynch
June 23, 2019
Associated Press (California) Judge Limits Transfer of Detained Immigrants in California
June 21, 2019
The Wall Street Journal (New York) New York Farmers Bruised by Increased Labor Costs
By Acacia Coronado
June 23, 2019
The New York Times (Maine) Maine Needed New, Young Residents. African Migrants Began Arriving by the Dozens.
By Kate Taylor
June 23, 2019
The Hill (Illinois) Illinois governor signs bill banning private immigrant detention centers
By Tal Axelrod
June 22, 2019
The Salt Lake Tribune (Editorial) Tribune Editorial: Yes, we do have concentration camps
June 23, 2019
Quad-City Times (Editorial) Editorial: On immigration, there are solutions
June 23, 2019
The Gainesville Sun (Editorial) Editorial: Florida hurt by Trump’s attacks on immigrants
June 23, 2019
The New York Times (Opinion) Trump’s ‘Concentration Camps’
By Charles M. Blow
June 23, 2019
The Washington Post (Opinion) Mike Pence is just helpless
By James Downie
June 23, 2019
The Washington Post (Opinion) Trump ordered up mass arrests for reelection purposes. Now he’s getting them.
By Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman
June 21, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Why Trump’s deal with Mexico is doomed: Jungles, judges and Democrats
By Nolan Rappaport
June 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Internal DHS and ICE immigration detention practices are broken
By Dana Gold and Irvin McCullough
June 23, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) New US visa requirements threaten privacy and freedom of expression
By Allie Funk
June 23, 2019
The Hill (Opinion) Ann Coulter: Surprise! That ‘cheap’ immigrant labor costs us a lot
By Ann Coulter
June 23, 2019
Noticiero Univision Salieron de casa con la esperanza de llegar a EEUU, pero cambiaron el sueño americano por el mexicano (Video)
By Pedro Ultreras
June 23, 2019
Noticiero Univision Por qué postergó Trump por dos semanas las redadas masivas contra indocumentados (Video)
By Pablo Gato
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) ¿Director de DHS saboteó a Trump con el inicio de las redadas de ICE?
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Guardia Nacional de AMLO separa familias de inmigrantes y evita que crucen a Estados Unidos
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Así arresta y deporta ICE a inmigrantes en EEUU
By Telemundo
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Candidato latino para elecciones 2020 le manda fuerte derechazo a Trump
June 23, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Trump retrasa deportación masiva de inmigrantes en Miami ‘a petición de los demócratas’
By Jimena Tavel y Monique O. Madan
June 22, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Pelosi pidió a Trump retrasar deportación de inmigrantes indocumentados
June 23, 2019
Univision Trump pospone dos semanas las redadas masivas contra indocumentados que empezaban este domingo
June 22, 2019
CNN en Español Trump retrasa las redadas de deportación dos semanas para que el Congreso trabaje en una “solución”
June 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump anuncia que retrasará temporalmente deportaciones masivas (Video)
June 22, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Activistas educan a migrantes sobre sus derechos ante inminentes redadas de ICE
By María Peña/Telemundo
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) El impedimento que podría arruinar las redadas de Trump y ICE anunciadas para este domingo
By Marielis Acevedo
June 22, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Nancy Pelosi habría convencido a Trump de posponer gran redada de ICE
June 23, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Trump advierte este domingo: “Dos semanas y la gran deportación comienza”
By Agencia EFE
June 23, 2019
CNN en Español Volaris promete vuelos a US$ 1 para migrantes (Video)
By Gabriela Frías
June 21, 2019
El Nuevo Herald EEUU: Critican condiciones de menores migrantes detenidos
By Cedar Attanasio, Garance Burke y Martha Mendoza- Associated Press
June 21, 2019
El Nuevo Herald ICE pronto realizará deportaciones en Miami. Estos consejos le ayudarán a reaccionar
By Alex Harris y Daniel Shoer Roth
June 22, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El gobernador de Texas envía 1.000 efectivos más de la Guardia Nacional a la frontera con México
By Alexandra Plazas
June 21, 2019
La Opinión El impedimento que podría arruinar las redadas de Trump y ICE anunciadas para este domingo
By Marielis Acevedo
June 22, 2019
La Opinión ICE no podrá trasladar a casi mil inmigrantes detenidos en California
By Agencia EFE
June 22, 2019
Univision- Unimás “Cualquier persona tiene derechos sin importar su estatus migratorio”: las recomendaciones de activistas ante una redada (Video)
June 22, 2019
Univision 34-Los Angeles No abras la puerta: consejos para tener en cuenta en caso de que seas un inmigrante requerido por ICE (Video)
June 22, 2019
Univision Noticias Urgen al gobierno usar “alternativas humanas” al encarcelamiento de inmigrantes
By Jesús García
June 22, 2019
Univision Noticias Así responden las ciudades en la mira de ICE en las que el domingo comenzarán las redadas masivas
By Patricia Clarembaux
June 22, 2019
Univision Noticias Las deportaciones anunciadas por Trump empezarán este domingo y estas son las ciudades donde habrá redadas
By Lorena Arroyo y Jorge Cancino
June 21, 2019
CNN en Español Gobierno de México detalla inversión directa en Centroamérica para frenar flujo migratorio
By Ana Melgar
June 21, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Demócratas anuncian medida para apoyar crisis en frontera
By Andrew Taylor- Associated Press
June 21, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Se espera que ofensiva de deportación del ICE empiece en Miami el domingo
By Monique O. Madame
June 21, 2019
Noticias Telemundo México completa apostamiento de 6.000 efectivos de la Guardia Nacional en la frontera sur
By Olga Luna con información de Associated Press
June 21, 2019
La Opinión Tiquetes a $1 dolar para inmigrantes que quieran “auto-deportarse”
June 21, 2019
Univision Chicago Gobernador de Illinois firma una nueva legislación para proteger y asistir a los inmigrantes que viven en el estado (Video)
June 21, 2019
Univision-Edición Digital Julián Castro sobre la crisis en la frontera: “Trump quería crear un circo en lugar de la solución” (Video)
June 21, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump dice que fue Obama quien separó familias en la frontera y que él las juntó: ¿es cierto?
By Jorge Cancino
June 21, 2019
Mundo Hispánico Trump: México no le hace trabajo sucio a Estados Unidos
By Associated Press
June 21, 2019
La Opinión Trump asegura que latinos apoyan sus planes de deportar a millones de indocumentados
June 21, 2019
Univision Noticias La senadora Elizabeth Warren exige respuestas a ICE sobre abuso del confinamiento solitario para encerrar a inmigrantes
By Spences Woodman (ICIJ)
June 21, 2019
SF Gate México termina de apostar efectivos de Guardia Nacional
June 21, 2019
Hoy México termina de apostar efectivos de Guardia Nacional
By Associated Press
June 21, 2019
Mundo Hispánico Prohíben a ICE arrestar a migrantes en cortes de Massachusetts
By Agencia EFE
June 21, 2019
CNN en Español Jueza de Massachusetts prohíbe que ICE realice arrestos civiles de inmigrantes dentro de las cortes del estado
By Kate Sullivan
June 21, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Más del 60 % de hispanos no votará por Trump en 2020, según encuesta
By Agencia EFE
June 21, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Activistas condenan “fallido liderazgo” de administración Trump en “Día Mundial del Refugiado”
By María Peña/ Noticias Telemundo
June 20, 2019
Noticias Telemundo “Nunca había escuchado de este nivel de inhumanidad”. Estos niños migrantes denuncian las condiciones de su detención
By Luis Hernández con información de AP
June 20, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El gobierno de Trump dice que los niños migrantes detenidos no necesitan jabón, cepillos ni pasta dental
By Luis Hernández
June 20, 2019
La Opinión Organizaciones latinas llaman a unirse y a alzar la voz
By Virginia Gaglianone
June 21, 2019
Univision- Despierta América ¿De dónde salen los 30 millones de dólares del acuerdo entre AMLO y Nayib Bukele para el desarrollo de El Salvador? (Video)
June 21, 2019
Univision Chicago Gobernador de Illinois firmará un paquete legislativo para proteger y asistir a los inmigrantes (Video)
June 20, 2019