America’s Voice
El cierre del gobierno augura una guerra sin cuartel
New York Times: Immigrants From El Salvador, Hopeful and Fearful for Future
Washington Post White House’s own documents show there’s no negotiating with Trump
By Greg Sargent
January 04, 2019
Washington Post The Trump administration’s misleading spin on immigration, crime and terrorism
By Salvador Rizzo
January 07, 2019
Rolling Stone Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorism and Immigration
January 05, 2019
Reuters Trump Holds Firm on Border Wall, Offers Steel Option as Compromise
January 06, 2019
Wall Street Journal Shutdown Is Felt as Negotiators Dig In Over Border Wall
By Natalie Andrews, Rebecca Ballhaus and Harriet Torry
January 07, 2019
New York Times Trump’s Wall, Trump’s Shutdown and Trump’s Side of the Story
By Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman
January 04, 2019
New York Times The Shutdown, According to Trump
By Linda Qiu and Michael Tackett
January 04, 2019
Washington Post U.S. towns with federal workers brace for impact as the shutdown continues
By Heather May , Annie Gowen and Joel Achenbach
January 06, 2019
Washington Post As shutdown drags on, Trump officials make new offer, seek novel ways to cope with its impacts
By Robert Costa , Juliet Eilperin , Damian Paletta and Nick Miroff
January 07, 2019
Politico Graham: GOP wants a Democrat ‘that’s not crazy’ for shutdown talks
January 06, 2019
USA Today Government shutdown: Pence, congressional aides leave meeting without agreement on funding
By Christal Hayes, Michael Collins and David Jackson
January 04, 2015
Vox Trump is the obstacle to a shutdown deal
By Dara Lind
January 04, 2019
Politico Trump claims support from past presidents for the wall: Clinton, Bush and Obama beg to differ
January 05, 2019
Politico ‘Months or even years’: Both sides brace for lengthy shutdown
January 05, 2019
Business Insider The shutdown over Trump’s border wall has also shut down a major program employers use to check immigrants are in the US legally
By Michelle Mark
January 04, 2019
Politico Magazine How Will the Shutdown End?
January 04, 2019
The Hill GOP’s Crenshaw offers ‘border denialism’ definition amid shutdown negotiations
January 06, 2019
The Hill Graham says there will be no progress on shutdown negotiations ‘as long as the radical left is in charge’
January 06, 2019
The Hill House Budget chair: Border funding in exchange for Dreamers’ protections ‘an easy deal to make’
By Julia Manchester
January 06, 2019
Associated Press Trial to start in California over Census citizenship query
January 07, 2019
New York Times Government Shutdown May Turn a Day in Court Into a Four-Year Wait
By Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Christina Goldbaum
January 04, 2019
NPR Immigration Attorney Discusses How Shutdown Is Affecting Backlog Of Cases
January 04, 2019
Buzzfeed A Judge Has Blocked ICE From Conducting Raids On Cambodian Immigrants, For Now
By Salvador Hernandez
January 04, 2019
Roll Call Immigration case backlog keeps growing as shutdown drags on
By Camila DeChalus
January 07, 2019
WBUR Shutdown In Immigration Court A Respite For Some, An Injustice For Others
By Simón Rios
January 04, 2019
Associated Press Wall Debate Obscures Other Struggles at the Border
January 04, 2019
New York Times The Border Wall: What Has Trump Built So Far?
January 05, 2019
New York Times The Price of Trump’s Migrant Deterrence Strategy: New Chaos on the Border
By Manny Fernandez, Caitlin Dickerson and Paulina Villegas
January 04, 2019
New York Times Migrants’ Despair Is Growing at U.S. Border. So Are Smugglers’ Profits.
By Azam Ahmed
January 07, 2019
New York Times Migrants in Tijuana Know Trump Doesn’t Want Them. They Aren’t Giving Up.
By Paulina Villegas
January 05, 2019
New York Times Deconstructing the Wall: Teaching About the Symbolism, Politics and Reality of the U.S.-Mexico Border
By Michael Gonchar
January 06, 2019
New York Times How the Border Wall Is Boxing Trump In
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Peter Baker
January 05, 2019
Washington Post After years of Trump’s dire warnings, a ‘crisis’ has hit the border but generates little urgency
By Nick Miroff and David Nakamura
January 05, 2019
Politico Trump again surfaces ‘national emergency’ as way to pay for border wall
January 06, 2019
The Hill Trump pushing for steel barrier instead of concrete wall at border
January 06, 2019
The Hill Border lawmakers press Trump to beef up existing security
January 06, 2019
Intelligencer Would patrolling with the Border Patrol change your mind about the border?
By Mattathias Schwartz
January 06, 2019
New York Times Immigrants From El Salvador, Hopeful and Fearful for Future
By Julie Scharper
January 05, 2019
Citizens Voice Feds nab more than 700 people in NEPA for immigration violations
January 06, 2019
Wall Street Journal Trump Signals Willingness to Negotiate on Skilled Foreign Workers
By Alex Leary
January 04, 2019
New York Times Inquiry Into Migrant Shelters Poses Dilemma: What Happens to the Children?
By Kim Barker and Nicholas Kulish
January 05, 2019
Washington Post Sarah Sanders: Valuing life is ‘what sets America apart from every other country’
By Philip Bump
January 06, 2019
Poltico Democratic delegation to investigate migrant child’s death
January 04, 2019
Associated Press (Tennessee) Tennessee GOP leaders call out Shelby County over new immigration law
January 04, 2019
Sacramento Bee As shutdown continues, Latin American immigration to California remains near modern low
January 04, 2019 (Editorial) Border wall doesn’t solve real immigration problems
January 06, 2019
Washington Post (Editorial) Immigrants aren’t terrorists, no matter what the administration says
January 04, 2019
New York Times (Op-Ed) No, Trump Cannot Declare an ‘Emergency’ to Build His Wall
By Bruce Ackerman
January 06, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) It’s time for Democrats to be the grownups voters want
By Dana Milbank
January 04, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) This is what democracy looks like
By E.J. Dionne Jr.
January 06, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) End the shutdown with huge bipartisan immigration deal
January 06, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Ending the shutdown presents opportunity for a solution on immigration
January 06, 2019
The Guardian (Opinion) It won’t be easy. But Trump will lose ‘bigly’ on immigration
By Art Cullen
January 05, 2019 (Opinion) Never mind Donald Trump’s plan for the border; Chuck Schumer’s was bigger and better
By Paul Mulshine
January 06, 2019
Noticiero Univision Ante la falta de empleo y oportunidades, cientos de guatemaltecos venden sus tierras y van en busca del sueño americano (Video)
By Erika Porras
January 06, 2019
Al Punto/Univision Mujeres que dicen haber trabajado indocumentadas para Trump revelan cómo era su relación con él antes y después de que fuera presidente (Video)
By Jorge Ramos
January 06, 2019
Al Punto/Univision Debate: ¿El muro por un acuerdo para los dreamers? (Video)
By Jorge Ramos
January 06, 2019
Noticiero Univision Empleada indocumentada de un campo de golf de Trump asegura que el Servicio Secreto no revisó sus antecedentes (Video)
By Peggy Carranza
January 04, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump sigue sin ceder en el muro mientras el cierre de gobierno entra en su tercera semana
January 06, 2019
Univision Noticias Un exalguacil se quedó con 1.5 millones destinados a comida para indocumentados de ICE, según una investigación
By Agencia EFE
January 05, 2019
La Opinión ¿Cierre de gobierno afecta operaciones de ICE y USCIS?
By Jesús García
January 06, 2019
La Opinión Trump se da “balazo en el pie” al cerrar Gobierno y afectar seguridad fronteriza
By Agencia EFE
January 06, 2019
La Opinión Trump utiliza posturas de Obama y Clinton sobre indocumentados para defender el muro
By Jesús García
January 06, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Debate sobre muro ensombrece otros problemas en frontera
By Colleen Long y Elliot Spagat – Associated Press
January 04, 2019
CNN en Español Esta madre y su hija migrante esperan decisión en caso de asilo (Video)
By Gary Tuchman
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump convierte su muro de cemento en “una valla de acero” para lograr el apoyo demócrata
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Migrantes de la caravana resisten intentos de reubicación en Tijuana
By Luis Hernández con información de EFE
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Miles de casos migratorios congelados por cierre del gobierno (Video)
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Inmigrantes de la Caravana se niegan a ser desalojados (Video)
January 05, 2019
Univision Noticias Filas de espera hasta 2023: las cortes de inmigración, las más afectadas por el cierre de gobierno
January 04, 2019
La Opinión Trump amenaza al Congreso: ‘Puedo declarar emergencia nacional y construir el muro’
By Agencia EFE
January 04, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump reconoce que el cierre del gobierno podría durar por meses o hasta un año
January 04, 2019
Noticiero Univision Desde prevención de incendios a licencias de matrimonio: así afecta el cierre de gobierno a los ciudadanos
January 04, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump envía al Congreso el informe sobre seguridad fronteriza que algunos representantes “no quisieron escuchar”
January 04, 2019 Inmigrante en EEUU con temor pese a ser premiado
By Philip Marcelo- Associated Press
January 04, 2019
January 04, 2019
Cuba en Miami Fuertes medidas de USCIS que entran en vigor en el 2019
By Alejandro Martínez
January 04, 2019
World News en Espanol Muerte de policía da alas a los opositores a la Ley Santuario de California
By Marco Gutiérrez -EFE
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo México exige a EE.UU. investigar los caóticos episodios con gases lacrimógenos contra migrantes en la frontera
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Este ‘dreamer’ ganó una prestigiosa beca para estudiar fuera de EEUU. Teme no poder regresar
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El empeño de Trump en el muro en la frontera afecta el programa E-Verify y otros medios para el control de inmigrantes
By por Alba Moraleda / Noticias Telemundo
January 04, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El Gobierno admite errores pero mantiene un informe que vincula inmigración y terrorismo
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 04, 2019
La Opinión (LA) Senadores estatales de California visitan a la caravana migrante en Tijuana
January 04, 2019