America’s Voice
Frank Sharry: Trump Administration just deemed many Syrians unworthy of our nation’s protection
“Divider in Chief” on Immigration – Observers Condemn Trump’s Dark Immigration Vision
Impacted Immigrant, Experts Condemn Failure of Trump Administration to Redesignate Syria TPS
La vileza de Trump hacia los inmigrantes sigue intacta
CNN Reality sets in that DACA deal might not get done
By Tal Kopan
January 29, 2018
Bloomberg Politics Immigration Fight Shifts From Trump’s Wall to Family Green Cards
By Sahil Kapur
January 31, 2018
Medium The stories you won’t hear at Trump’s first State of the Union: Meet Laura, Tracy, Will and Juan.
By CAP Action
January 30, 2018
Las Vegas Review-Journal (Opinion) COMMENTARY: Democrats don’t want a deal to protect DACA recipients
By Victor Joecks
January 30, 2018
Rising Up with Sonali Is Trump’s Immigration Plan A “Racist Ransom Note”?
January 30, 2018
Australian Broadcast Company Juan Escalante Interview with Australian Broadcast Company
January 29, 2018
KUNR Nevada Legislators Respond to DACA Uncertainty
By Natalie Vn Hoozer
January 30, 2018
The Hill ICE defies House Judiciary request, deports man living in US for 39 years
By Rebecca Savransky
January 30, 2018
New York Daily News ICE defies Congress, deports man who’s lived in country for 39 years
By Brian Lisi
January 30, 2018
The Plain Dealer Rally protests deportation of Youngstown businessman Amer Othman Adi (photos)
By Brian Albrecht
January 30, 2018
The Vindicator Adi deported to Jordan
By Kalea Hall
January 30, 2018
The Plain Dealer Youngstown businessman Amer Othman Adi deported to Jordan
January 30, 2018
WKBN Youngstown businessman deported Monday night with little notice
January 30, 2018
WOSU Amer Adi’s Deportation Leaves Youngstown Mourning ‘A Hell Of A Man’
By M.L. Schultze
January 30, 2018
Wall Street Journal Immigration Talks Proliferate on Capitol Hill, but No Deals
By Kristina Peterson and Laura Meckler
January 30, 2018
Wall Street Journal Federal Judge in Brooklyn Criticizes Trump and Sessions in DACA Hearing
By Nicole Hong
January 30, 2018
The Washington Post House GOP skeptical of Trump’s framework on immigration, dreamers
By Erica Werner
January 30, 2018
The Washington Post House GOP skeptical of Trump’s framework on immigration — while some Democrats vent to Schumer
By Erica Werner and Ed O’Keefe
January 30, 2018
Politico Republicans balk at Trump’s cuts to legal immigration
By Seung Min Kim
January 30, 2018
The Hill Key senator floats new compromise for immigration talks
By Alexander Bolton
January 30, 2018
The Hill Dem whip pushes back on ‘four pillars’ approach to Dreamers
By Mike Lillis
January 30, 2018
Roll Call A Dream Deferred for Young Immigrants at State of the Union
By Camila Dechalus
January 30, 2018
ThinkProgress Trump has proposed the most racist immigration policy since the KKK wrote our laws
By Ian Millhiser
January 30, 2018
TribTalk A DACA solution would be good for Texas — and the country
By A.J. Rodriguez
January 30, 2018
The Washington Times GOP moderates embrace Trump immigration plan
By Stephen Dinan
January 30, 2018
Vox “I want more than anything to just live my life”: DREAMers wrestle with being used as “hostages” in immigration debate
By Dara Lind
January 30, 2018
Daily Beast This Is the Human Cost of Congress Punting on a DREAMer Deal
By Gideon Resnick
January 30, 2018
AP Immigrant activist: Detentions are ‘psychological warfare’
By Deepti Hajela
January 30, 2018
New York Times A Congressman Suggests ‘Dreamers’ Be Arrested. Capitol Hill Rolls Its Eyes.
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg
January 30, 2018
CNN Immigrant children don’t have the right to free lawyers, court rules
By Madison Park, Lawrence Davidson, and Carma Hassan
January 30, 2018
CNN GOP lawmaker asks Capitol Police to arrest undocumented immigrants at SOTU
By Daniella Diaz
January 30, 2018
Roll Call Gosar Asks Capitol Police, DOJ to Arrest ‘Illegal Aliens’ at State of the Union
By Griffin Connolly
January 30, 2018
Vox Trump has changed how Americans think about politics
By Dylan Matthews
January 30, 2018
HuffPost Meet The Progressive Immigrant Lawmaker Who Will Respond To Donald Trump In Spanish
By Daniel Marans
January 30, 2018
HuffPost GOP Congressman Calls For Undocumented SOTU Guests To Be Arrested On The Spot
By Elise Foley
January 30, 2018
Talking Points Memo Latino Org In Chaos After Its Prez Goes Rogue, Endorses Trump Immigration Plan
By Alice Ollstein
January 30, 2018
Washington Times Congressman demands illegal immigrants be arrested at State of the Union
By Stephen Dinan
January 30, 2018
Ap (Florida) Immigration legislation stalls in Florida Senate
January 30, 2018
The Hill (Texas) Texas Democrat slams border wall, links GOP opponent to Trump in new ad
By John Bowden
January 30, 2018
Cleveland Patch (Ohio) Protest Planned In Cleveland For State Of The Union
By Chris Mosby
January 30, 2018
KENS (Texas) Undocumented immigrant in Texas calls for border security without a wall
By Oscar Margain
January 29, 2018
ThinkProgress (Editorial) David Duke loved this line in Trump’s State of the Union
January 30, 2018
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) Do Democrats Even Want a Compromise on Immigration?
By Jason L. Riley
January 30, 2018
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) The Problem Solvers Take On Immigration
By William A. Galston
January 30, 2018
The Washington Post (Opinion) Trump’s immigration ‘compromise’ is a trick
By Catherine Rampell
January 29, 2018
The Washington Post (Op-Ed) Trump’s Volk und Vaterland
By Roger Cohen
January 30, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) Passing a solution for Dreamers will strengthen our military
January 30, 2018
Bloomberg View (Op-Ed) The Border Economy Works in Spite of Trump
By Francis Wilkinson
January 30, 2018
By Cristina Jimenez
January 29, 2018
Herald-Dispatch (Op-Ed) President succeeds in framing immigration debate
By Michael Barone
January 30, 2018
HDN/Washington Latino News La vileza de Trump hacia los inmigrantes sigue intacta
By Maribel Hastings
January 31, 2018
Noticiero Univision La visión de dreamers y activistas sobre el Estado de la Unión que difiere de la del presidente Trump (Video)
By Pablo Gato
January 31, 2018
LatinoCalifornia ‘Es un presidente que divide, denigra y deshumaniza’
By Frank Sharry
January 30, 2018
Univision Organizaciones de inmigrantes responden al discurso migratorio de Trump en el Estado de la Unión
By Jorge Cancino
January 31, 2018
CNN en Español Trump delinea los cuatro pilares de su propuesta inmigratoria en el Estado de la Unión (Video)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump: un discurso más “calmado” pero no más unificador o incluyente
By Pilar Marrero
January 30, 2018
El Nuevo Herald (FL) Trump explica su plan para legalizar a 1,8 millones de ‘dreamers’, a cambio de ciertas condiciones
January 30, 2018
Noticiero Univision Estudiantes en Texas opinan sobre los “cuatro pilares” de inmigración y la construcción del muro que propone Trump (Video)
By Pedro Rojas
January 31, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Inmigrantes le dan la espalda al presidente Trump en su primer Estado de la Unión
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
January 30, 2018
CNN en Español Donald Trump: “Las fronteras abiertas han permitido el ingreso de drogas y pandillas” (Video)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump pide apoyo a su plan migratorio y combate a la pandilla “MS-13”
By María Peña
January 30, 2018
Univision Trump usa su guerra contra la pandilla MS-13 para pedir al Congreso un “gran muro” en la frontera (Video)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump pide al Congreso crear un “sistema migratorio seguro, moderno y legal”
By Agencia EFE
January 30, 2018
Noticiero Univision Trump pide a ambos partidos que trabajen juntos para proteger a ciudadanos de “todos los orígenes, colores y credos” (Video)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump defiende propuesta migratoria en primer discurso sobre “Estado de la Unión”
By María Peña
January 30, 2018
Univision Trump explica su plan migratorio en un discurso muy nacionalista: “Los estadounidenses también son dreamers”
By Carlos Chirinos
January 30, 2018
CNN en Español “Los estadounidenses también son soñadores”: Trump en el Estado de la Unión (Video)
January 30, 2018
Univision “Trump remplazó el respeto por el racismo”: la respuesta demócrata en español al discurso del presidente
By Damià S. Bonmatí
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Las diez exageraciones de Trump en su primer discurso sobre el “Estado de la Unión”
By María Peña
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump y su momento de reescribir la historia
By Agencia EFE
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Chanclazos y críticas para el discurso de Trump desde la frontera de Estados Unidos
By Pilar Marrero
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) ¿Quién es el agente hispano de ICE que Trump invitó a su Estado de la Unión?
January 30, 2018
Noticiero Univision Congresista republicano Paul Gosar pide arrestar a indocumentados que asistan al discurso del Estado de la Unión de Trump (Video)
By Claudia Uceda
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Republicano pide a Policía del Capitolio revisar identificaciones y detener a indocumentados
January 30, 2018
Univision Estos hispanos afectados por las políticas de Trump le verán en el Congreso dar su primer discurso del Estado de la Unión
By Carlos Chirinos
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Trump sobre inmigración: “Nunca han hecho nada… vamos a hacer algo”
By Jesús García
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Dos “dreamers” arrestados por la Patrulla Fronteriza acusados de tráfico de indocumentados
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Dreamers desafían amenazas y piden aprobación del Dream Act en el Capitolio
By María Peña
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) California rinde tributo a deportados mexicanos cuyo avión cayó hace 70 años
By Agencia EFE
January 30, 2018
Univision Arrestan a estadounidense que conducía un camión en el que transportaba 76 inmigrantes indocumentados en Texas
January 30, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Menores migrantes no tendrán abogados del gobierno (Video)
By Cristina Londoño
January 30, 2018
El Nuevo Herald (FL) México no va a pagar por el muro de Trump, pero estos trabajadores extranjeros sí
By Franco Ordóñez
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) “Venimos a trabajar y dejamos a los hijos allá en la casa con el miedo de no regresar”
By Iván Mejía
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) El nuevo atractivo turístico en México: los muros de Trump
By Agencia Reforma (MX)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Actor “indocumentado” dispara contra una mujer en polémico anuncio de televisión
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Ataque contra inmigrante mexicano lo hace candidato para la Visa U
By Araceli Martínez Ortega
January 30, 2018
Univision Senado de California aprueba ley para exigir que ICE no entre en escuelas, cortes ni oficinas del DMV
By Isaías Alvarado
January 30, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Se dispara el número de iglesias que acogen a inmigrantes (Video)
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Este cambio en las licencias de conducción busca proteger a miles indocumentados de ICE
January 30, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Dreamers merecen mejor trato
January 30, 2018
Univision Senado de California aprueba ley para exigir que ICE no entre en escuelas, cortes ni oficinas del DMV
By Isaías Alvarado
January 30, 2018