America’s Voice
At Long Last, Are Republicans Fed Up With Steve King’s Racism — and What Took Them So Long?
ICYMI: “Republicans Have Learned Nothing From the Midterms”
NPR: A Mom And Her Teenage Daughter Brace For A Future Apart
Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans Are Enabling a “Fool’s Impulse”
NPR With Trump At The Border, A Look Back At U.S. Immigration Policy
By LEAH DONNELLA and Shereen Meraji
January 10, 2019
New York Times In Texas Visit, Trump Presses His Argument That There’s a Border ‘Crisis’
By Michael Tackett and Mitchell Ferman
January 11, 2019
Associated Press The shutdown today: President tours border, nixes Davos
January 10, 2019
New York Times Trump, Along the Border in Texas, Reiterates Demand for Wall
By Michael Tackett and Katie Rogers
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Amid shutdown, Trump visits Texas in effort to boost argument for border wall
By Philip Rucker and Felicia Sonmez
January 10, 2019
Reuters Trump Says Likely to Declare Emergency if No Deal on Border Wall
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Trump administration lays groundwork to declare national emergency to build wall
By Erica Werner , Josh Dawsey , Mike DeBonis and Seung Min Kim
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Does Trump really have ‘absolute power’ to declare a national emergency? Let’s examine the statute.
By Andrew Rudalevige
January 10, 2019
Politico Trump threatens national emergency as negotiations at standstill
January 10, 2019
The Hill Trump eyes disaster bill, inches toward declaring emergency to build wall
January 10, 2019
The Hill Trump: ‘Surprising’ if I don’t declare national emergency for wall
January 10, 2019
NBC News Trump could take billions from disaster areas to fund wall
By Courtney Kube and Julia Ainsley
January 10, 2019
Reuters Law Enforcement Agencies Squeezed by U.S. Government Shutdown
January 11, 2019
New York Times The Political Benefits of Shutting It Down
By Lisa Lerer
January 11, 2019
New York Times ‘No Wall, No Deal,’ Pence Says as Shutdown Drags On
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Shutdown showdown: Democrats press to reopen government as Trump heads to border
By John Wagner and Felicia Sonmez
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Shutdown threatens national security, FBI agents group warns
By Devlin Barrett , Tom Jackman and Nick Miroff
January 10, 2019
Politico Border lawmakers spurn Trump’s wall proposal
January 10, 2019
Politico ‘Never been more depressed’: Trump kills Graham effort to end shutdown
January 10, 2019
The Hill Key Democrat says Graham’s border-wall framework falls short
January 10, 2019
The Hill Top Catholic bishop calls for Trump, Congress to end shutdown
January 10, 2019
The Hill Senate immigration talks fall apart
January 10, 2019
Vox The shutdown could end when Senate Republicans decide to end it
By Li Zhou and Tara Golshan
January 10, 2019
Vox The more Trump talks, the less likely it is he’ll get his precious steel slats
By Matthew Yglesias
January 10, 2019
Raw Story Trump too scared of Stephen Miller and Ann Coulter to compromise on his wall: MSNBC conservative
January 10, 2019
Associated Press Government Shutdown Stymies Immigrants’ Asylum Cases
January 10, 2019
Associated Press A look at California’s key lawsuits against Trump
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Federal judge criticizes prosecutors over increase in illegal immigration cases
By Rachel Weiner and John D. Harden
January 10, 2019
Daily Beast DHS Accused of Lying, Again, About a Terrorism-Immigration Link
By Spencer Ackerman
January 10, 2019
Associated Press Former FEMA Boss Says Border Situation Is Not an Emergency
January 11, 2019
New York Times White House Considers Using Storm Aid Funds as a Way to Pay for the Border Wall
By Michael Tackett and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
January 11, 2019
The Daily (Popcast) What a Border Sheriff Thinks About the Wall
January 11, 2019
Washington Post ‘The story keeps changing’: Trump falsely asserts he never promised Mexico would directly pay for the border wall
By David Nakamura
January 10, 2019
Washington Post In 2016, Trump said he would use eminent domain to build the wall
By JM Rieger
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Pancho Villa, prostitutes and spies: The U.S.-Mexico border wall’s wild origins
By Michael E. Miller
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Misinformation by proxy: Trump retweets bad immigration information from an unreliable source
By Philip Bump
January 10, 2019
Washington Post The ‘unbelievable vehicles’ used to smuggle immigrants are mostly factory-issue sedans
By Philip Bump
January 10, 2019
USA Today Steel slat wall prototype sawed through in DHS test, report says
By William Cummings
January 10, 2019
Politico Fact check: Mexico will ‘indirectly’ pay for a border wall through the new trade deal
January 10, 2019
The Hill O’Rourke talks border during Instagram video at dentist
January 10, 2019
HuffPost Trump Is Fixated On MS-13. But He’s Making It Harder For Its Victims To Get Asylum.
By Elise Foley
December 26, 2018
TIME There Is a Crisis at the Border. It’s Not the One Trump Is Describing
January 10, 2019
El Paso Times Did construction of a border fence cut down on crime rates in El Paso?
By Madlin Mekelburg
January 10, 2019
CNN Shutdown puts ICE at risk of running out of money to pay contractors
By Priscilla Alvarez
January 10, 2019
Washington Post A new migrant caravan is forming in Central America, with plans to leave next week
By Sarah Kinosian and Kevin Sieff
January 10, 2019
Associated Press APNewsBreak: US Approved Thousands of Child Bride Requests
January 11, 2019
Wall Street Joutnal Obama-Era War on Executive Power Foreshadowed Trump’s Wall Fight
By Peter Nicholas
January 11, 2019
New York Times Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics
By Trip Gabriel
January 10, 2019
Washington Post Trump’s immigration policy has foreign tech talent looking north of the border
By Emily Rauhala
January 10, 2019
The Hill 94 percent of Latinos who voted in ’18 plan to continue voting
January 10, 2019
NPR Where Does Illegal Immigration Mostly Occur? Here’s What The Data Tell Us
January 10, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Editorial) Trump’s Presidential Emergency
January 11, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Opinion) End This Stupid Shutdown
January 11, 2019
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) The Silly Arguments Against a Border Wall
By Rep. Dan Crenshaw
January 11, 2019
New York Times (Op-Ed) Dreamer, Rhodes Scholar, Human
By Jin Park
January 11, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) The wall is Trump’s ‘read my lips’ pledge
By Gary Abernathy
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Democrats were for a wall before they were against it
By Marc A. Thiessen
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump treats the border like a natural disaster. He even dresses the part.
By Robin Givhan
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump has conjured a crisis out of thin air. That should worry us all.
By Fareed Zakaria
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Pelosi knows the magic word for beating Trump: ‘No’
By Jennifer Rubin
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) All the reasons there is no ‘emergency’
By Jennifer Rubin
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) How to end the government shutdown — with neither side losing
By Dov Weinryb Grohsgal
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) I worked in the Justice Department. I hope its lawyers won’t give Trump an alibi.
By Erica Newland
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Trump is right: There is a crisis at the border. But he’s causing it.
By Dree K. Collopy
January 10, 2019
Washington Post (Op-Ed) We need to end this ugly shutdown. But that’s not enough.
By Max Stier
January 10, 2019
USA Today (Opinion) Trump’s border wall isn’t about national security. It’s about stoking racial resentment.
By Jason Sattler
January 10, 2019
USA Today (Op-Ed) Donald Trump should declare ’emergency’ to get the wall built over Democrats’ objections
By Brandon Judd,
January 10, 2019
The Atlantic (Opinion) Trump’s Wall Could Cost Him in 2020
January 10, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed)
January 10, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Shutdown, showdown or shakedown?
January 10, 2019
Univision Donald Trump es el muro
By Jorge Ramos
January 10, 2019
Noticiero Univision “Queremos trabajar y no un muro”: Empleados federales afectados por el cierre parcial del gobierno salen a protestar (Video)
By Claudia Uceda
January 10, 2019
Noticiero Univision Con una video de Obama, Trump intenta defender su postura sobre una supuesta crisis humanitaria en la frontera (Video)
January 10, 2019
Univision “La seguridad fronteriza no va a pagar mi hipoteca”: empleados federales sufren las consecuencias de trabajar sin cobrar
By María Luisa Tabares
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Empleados exigen el fin del cierre del gobierno (Video)
By Javier Vega
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump lleva su obsesión por el muro a la misma frontera (Video)
By Edgar Muñoz
January 10, 2019
CNN en Español Ni Trump ni los demócratas ceden para reabrir el Gobierno de EE.UU. (Video)
By Ione Molinares
January 10, 2019
CNN en Español Migrantes en México tratan de cruzar la frontera con Arizona en busca de una mejor vida (Video)
By Ed Lavandera
January 10, 2019
CNN en Español Abogados de la Casa Blanca ya preparan el terreno para una emergencia nacional en la frontera (Video)
By Gustavo Valdés
January 10, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Un comercial político
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump dice ahora que no prometió que México pagaría su muro. Pero incluso explicó cómo le obligaría a hacerlo
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump podría utilizar miles de millones de dólares destinados a zonas de desastre para financiar el muro
By Courtney Kube y Julia Ainsley / NBC News
January 10, 2019
Univision Noticias Demócratas escépticos ante un plan republicano para reabrir el gobierno que incluiría DACA y TPS
By Jorge Cancino
January 10, 2019
La Opinión Alcaldes de EE.UU. rechazan muro y “crisis” que plantea Trump para justificarlo
By Agencia EFE
January 10, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Agentes del FBI advierten de daños causados por cierre
By Eric Tucker-Associated Press
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump dice ahora que no prometió que México pagaría su muro. Pero incluso explicó cómo le obligaría a hacerlo
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 10, 2019
La Opinión AMLO evade hablar del conflicto de Trump y el muro en medio de sus propios problemas
January 10, 2019
La Gran Época Trump viaja a la frontera sur y reitera que podría declarar emergencia nacional
By Voa Noticias
January 10, 2019
Chicago Tribune Empleados, inmigrantes, granjeros, y otros, en ascuas por el cierre de gobierno
By Elvia Malagon y Morgan Greene
January 10, 2019
Los Angeles Times La visita de Trump a la frontera comienza en McAllen, Texas. Si mira, esto es lo que podría ver
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske
January 10, 2019
World News en Espanol Alcaldes fronterizos rechazan el muro y la crisis en la zona que dibuja Trump
January 10, 2019
Identidad Latina Hay una emergencia nacional y se llama Presidencia de los EEUU
By Frank Sharry
January 10, 2019
La Prensa de Minnesota Parques cerrados, basura sin recoger y servicios en mínimos en EE UU
By Yolanda Monge- El País
January 10, 2019
Atlantic Broadband Dos años preso esperando ser deportado; no sería inusual
By David Pitt – Associated Press
January 10, 2019
Univision Noticias “¡Mi reino por un… muro fronterizo!”
By David Torres
January 10, 2019
CNN en Español Trump: El muro de acero se pagará solo en 3 o 4 meses, México lo pagará (Video)
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo California obtiene extensión para completar certificación del Real ID
By Jacquelin García- La Opinión
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Inmigrantes que no hicieron este trámite podrían perder dinero
By Jesús García / La Opinión
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump pide el muro para frenar una nueva caravana de inmigrantes “más que grande que nunca antes”
By Bruno G. Gallo
January 10, 2019
La Opinión 4 cambios que USCIS aplica a visas de trabajo en 2019
January 10, 2019
LatinoCalifornia “¡Mi reino por un… muro fronterizo!”
By David Torres
January 10, 2019
HDN/Washington Latino News “¡Mi reino por un… muro fronterizo!”
By David Torres
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Lo que pagaría cada persona en Estados Unidos para construir el muro de Trump
By La Opinión
January 10, 2019
Univision Noticias Así se ve afectada la seguridad nacional (esa que tanto preocupa a Trump) con el cierre del gobierno
By Mariana Rambaldi
January 10, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Trump visita la frontera tras diálogo fallido con demócratas
By Catherine Lucey, Lisa Mascaroand Laurie Kellman- Associated Press
January 10, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Construir el muro que pide Trump llevaría 10 años, según varios ingenieros
By Agencia EFE
January 10, 2019
CNN en Español Los seres humanos que Trump no comprende
By Jean Guerrero
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump visitará hoy la frontera tras diálogo fallido con los demócratas sobre el muro
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP y EFE
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Niñeras extranjeras logran pago millonario por abusos laborales de empresas que las traen a trabajar a EEUU
By Alba Moraleda con información de EFE
January 10, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Foto: Prototipo de valla para muro fronterizo puede ser cortado con una sierra
By Jacob Soboroff y Julia Ainsley, NBC News
January 10, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump viaja a Texas en su campaña de propaganda para construir el muro con México
January 10, 2019