Associated Press Detainee on hunger strike describes being force-fed three times a day
February 03, 2019
Washington Post ICE confirms it is force-feeding detainees on hunger strike
By Amy B Wang
February 02, 2019
The Hill ICE force-feeding additional men on hunger strikes in Texas
February 03, 2019
Reuters Grammy-Nominated Rapper 21 Savage Arrested by ICE, Faces Deportation
February 03, 2019
Washington Post Rapper 21 Savage arrested by ICE agents, who say he’s from the United Kingdom, not Atlanta
By Travis Andrews
February 03, 2019
The Hill ICE arrests rapper, says he overstayed his visa
February 04, 2019
Associated Press US sees limitations on reuniting migrant families
February 02, 2019
Inquisitr Trump Administration Argues It Would Be Too ‘Traumatic’ To Reunite Immigrant Children With Parents
By Nathan Francis
February 03, 2019
RawStory Trump Administration claims reuniting immigrant families is a ‘burden’
February 03, 2019
Wall Street Journal State of the Union Guests Are on Both Sides of Border-Wall Battle
By Natalie Andrews
February 02, 2019
New York Times Before Trump’s State of the Union, a Look at How Last Year’s Promises Fared
By Linda Qiu
February 04, 2019
The Hill Trump builds anticipation around State of the Union
February 03, 2019
Reuters Trump Steps Up Attacks on Pelosi for Opposing Border Wall Funds
February 02, 2019
Wall Street Journal Trump Signals Decision on Border Emergency Could Come Soon
By Peter Nicholas
February 01, 2019
Politico Trump could ‘be forced’ to declare national emergency, GOP border negotiator says
February 03, 2019
The Hill Congress in painful start to avoid second shutdown
February 02, 2019
USA Today Is Trump right that border security talks are doomed? A graveyard of past failures says likely yes
By Ledyard King and William Cummings
February 01, 2019
New York Times Undocumented Workers Lose Their Jobs at Yet Another Trump Property
By Miriam Jordan and Ben Protess
February 02, 2019
The Hill Dozens of undocumented workers terminated from Trump properties: report
February 02, 2019
Washington Post Trump-appointed prosecutor focused on allegations of voting fraud by immigrants amid warnings about separate ballot scheme
By Amy Gardner , Beth Reinhard and Alice Crites
February 03, 2019
The Hill Immigrant attorneys and reporters were reportedly denied entry into Mexico
February 02, 2019
LA Times Immigrant rights attorneys and journalists denied entry into Mexico
February 01, 2019
Washington Post Want to know where most drugs cross the border? Look at the Border Patrol’s news releases.
By Phillip Bump
February 01, 2019
Reuters Pentagon Sending 3,750 Extra U.S. Forces to Border With Mexico
February 03, 2019
Associated Press Ghana Denies Noncooperation With US Over Deportations
February 02, 2019
Associated Press Politicians, NY Sheriff Back Cook Held by Immigration Agency
February 01, 2019
Associated Press Report: ICE Doesn’t Always Hold Contractors Accountable
February 02, 2019
Associated Press India Monitoring Detention of Students in US University Case
February 03, 2019
Reuters India Protests U.S. Detention of Students in Fake-University Sting
February 03, 2019
Columbus Dispatch Mauritanians being deported despite US acknowledging crime, terror, slavery in homeland
By Danae King
February 03, 2019
Mass Live Massachusetts immigration activist Eduardo Samaniego agrees to return to Mexico
By Patrick Johnson
February 01, 2019
Washington Post ‘I am who I am’: Kamala Harris, daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants, defines herself simply as ‘American’
By Kevin Sullivan
February 02, 2019
Reuters As U.S. Starts Deportations, Asylum-Seekers Face Perils in Mexico
February 02, 2019
The Hill Former Homeland Security secretary urges lawmakers to stop trying for ‘political wins’ on immigration
February 03, 2019
Washington Post (Texas) President Trump’s Texas-size whoppers
By Salvador Rizzo
February 04, 2019
Tuscon Sentinel (Arizona) ‘Remove the razor wire,’ some Arizona border-town residents plead
By Perla Trevizo
February 01, 2019
Washington Post (Editorial) We should get more bang for our buck on border security
February 02, 2019
Star Ledger (Editorial) On illegal workers, Trump’s hypocrisy is America’s, too
February 03, 2019
New York Times (Opinion) Janet Napolitano on DACA’s Enduring Legacy
By Cristian Farias
February 03, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) Trump is on a mission from God
By Dana Milbank
February 01, 2019
Washington Post (Opinion) The state of the union is petrified
By E.J. Dionne Jr.
February 04, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Why standing up for children is a policy priority
February 04, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Judd Gregg: Walled in by a wall
By Judd Gregg
February 04, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) America’s border wars: What the Border Patrol doesn’t want you to know
February 02, 2019
The Hill (Op-Ed) Here’s how we need to think differently about migration
February 02, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Pentágono enviará 3,750 tropas adicionales a la frontera con México
February 03, 2019
La Opinión (CA) La advertencia a ICE si deporta a indocumentados que trabajaron para Trump
February 03, 2019
El Nuevo Herald A pesar de las excusas, gobernador de Virginia no logra acallar escándalo de ‘cara negra’
By Alan Suderman- Associated Press
February 03, 2019
La Opinión Encontrar a todos los niños migrantes separados de sus familias puede ser imposible, dice el gobierno
February 03, 2019
Univision- Al Punto “Tenemos que pasar una reforma migratoria”: las promesas demócratas para las elecciones del 2020 (Video)
February 03, 2019
Univision- Al Punto “Que nos respete”: indocumentados despedidos tras años de trabajo en un campo de golf de Trump (vIDEO)
February 03, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Condenan a un trabajador con VIH que abusó sexualmente de niños inmigrantes en un centro de ICE
By Editado por Luis Hernández con información de EFE
February 01, 2019
La Opinión Condenan a empleado latino con VIH a 19 años de cárcel por abuso sexual en albergue de menores inmigrantes
By Agencia EFE
February 02, 2019
La Opinión Jimmy Gomez invita al Estado de la Unión a Sandra Díaz, quien trabajó como indocumentada para Trump
February 01, 2019
Univision Noticias Qué le pasa a los estudiantes latinos cuando ICE y la policía buscan indocumentados
By Jenny Muñiz (The New America)
February 02, 2019
Univision Noticias Gobernador de Virginia dice que no es él posando en la foto racista
February 02, 2019
Univision Noticias Cifras oficiales confirman que dos tercios de los indocumentados que están en EEUU entraron legalmente al país
By Jorge Cancino y José Fernando López
February 02, 2019
CNN en Español Página de anuario del gobernador de Virginia muestra a una persona con pintura negra en la cara y otra vestida del KKK
By Caroline Kelly
February 01, 2019
Noticias Telemundo El gobernador de Virginia se disculpa por salir en una foto racista
By Dareh Gregorian / NBC News
February 01, 2019
La Opinión Madre e hija separadas en la frontera invitadas al discurso del Estado de la Unión de Trump
February 01, 2019
La Gran Época Cerca de 2400 migrantes dejaron la capital mexicana rumbo a la frontera con Estados Unidos
February 01, 2019
Univision 41- San Antonio Arrestan a 10 inmigrantes indocumentados en Frío, Texas (Video)
February 01, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump dice que hay una “alta probabilidad” de que declare la emergencia para construir su muro fronterizo
February 01, 2019
La Opinión Veterano Latino con “Green Card” cometió un gran error y ahora teme su deportación
February 01, 2019
Inmigracion.com Ser anti-inmigrante… y contratar indocumentados
By David Torres
February 01, 2019
Univision Noticias Es hora de actuar para resolver el tema de los dreamers y la seguridad fronteriza
By Daniel Garza
February 01, 2019
La Opinión La gran patraña
By Javier Sierra
February 01, 2019
Telemundo Arizona Enviarán más soldados a la frontera con México
By Agencia EFE
February 01, 2019
La Raza Trump prepara emergencia nacional diciendo que la crisis en la frontera con México es “peor que Afganistán”
February 01, 2019
El Diario-NY Trump prepara emergencia nacional diciendo que la crisis en la frontera con México es “peor que Afganistán”
February 01, 2019
Telemundo 51 Enviarán más soldados a la frontera con México
By Agencia EFE
February 01, 2019
CNN en Español Más de 1.000 inmigrantes se quedan sin audiencias (Video)
February 01, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Gobernador de California reitera apoyo a familias migrantes en frontera
By Natalia Urrego con información de EFE
February 01, 2019
La Opinión Los $25 millones de dólares del nuevo gobernador de California para inmigrantes
February 01, 2019
La Opinión Trump prepara emergencia nacional diciendo que la crisis en la frontera con México es “peor que Afganistán”
February 01, 2019
Univision Noticias El senador demócrata Cory Booker lanza su campaña para ser el candidato demócrata para las presidenciales de 2020
February 01, 2019
Univision Ser antiinmigrante… y contratar indocumentados
By David Torres
February 01, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Cientos de migrantes reciben avisos falsos para comparecer en corte migratoria
By Alba Moraleda con información de AP y EFE
February 01, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Retraso en trámites con USCIS tiene a 2,3 millones de casos en espera
By Pilar Marrero/Periodista independiente / La Opinión
February 01, 2019
Univision 23- Miami Cara a cara: ¿El muro es la mejor solución para la crisis que se vive en la frontera entre México y EEUU? (Video)
February 01, 2019