America’s Voice
ICYMI: “Democrats have nothing to fear but fear itself”
Morning Consult Independents See Immigration As Defining Partisan Issue
August 16, 2018
Associated Press Ex-ICE Agent Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Assault
August 16, 2018
Detroit News Lawyer fights UM to see immigration foe’s papers
By Oralandar Brand-Williams
August 16, 2018
Houston Public Media Immigration Judges Are Expected to Be Impartial; but They Report to Jeff Sessions
August 16, 2018
Washington Post Citizenship service conspired with ICE to ‘trap’ immigrants at visa interviews, ACLU says
By Meagan Flynn
August 15, 2018
CNBC President Trump’s unwavering immigration supporters: Small-business owners
By Jon Cohen and Laura Wronski
August 16, 2018
Vice Chief of U.S. immigration agency is totally cool with helping ICE deport people
By Tess Owen
August 16, 2018
Daily Beast U.S. Immigration Agency Chief Spoke at Anti-Immigrant ‘Hate Group’ Event
August 16, 2018
Washington Examiner USCIS took ‘nation of immigrants’ out of mission statement because it wasn’t created to serve them, director says
By Anna Giaritelli
August 16, 2018
USA Today Senate investigators say feds fail to keep tabs on immigrant children released from custody
By Eliza Collins
August 16, 2018
The Hill Senate study: Trump hasn’t provided adequate support to detained migrant children
August 16, 2018
The Hill Senate Dems demand immediate reunification of remaining separated children
August 15, 2018
CNN Money A Mark Zuckerberg-backed nonprofit is helping separated migrant families
By Heather Kelly
August 16, 2018
NBC News DACA is really helping young immigrants. But are they too afraid, unsure to renew?
By Patricia Guadalupe
August 16, 2018
ABC 6 Mauritanians in Central Ohio fear deportation
By Seema Iyer
August 15, 2018 Lake County residents sound off on ICE ahead of Aug. 16 commissioners meeting
By Janet H. Cho
August 15, 2018
Sandusky Register 4 indicted for alleged false statements on immigration status
By Michael Harrington
August 13, 2018
Associated Press Illegal border crossings in Canada rise from June to July
August 15, 2018
Buzzfeed The Trump Administration Is Seeking To Restart Thousands Of Closed Deportation Cases
By Hamed Aleaziz
August 16, 2018
Rewire ‘ICE Is Not Welcome’: Agency Tries to Keep Immigrant Detention Center Open After Texas County’s Rebuke
By Teddy Wilson
August 16, 2018
Splinter ICE Accused of Entrapping Married Immigrants Seeking Green Cards
By Sophie Weiner
August 16, 2018
St. Louis Dispatch Nine people in van stopped near Six Flags now face immigration charges
By Robert Patrick
August 16, 2018
The Tenneessean ICE arrests nine in Dickson County
By Jordyn Pair
August 16, 2018
ABC 7 Future of San Francisco restaurant unclear after owner arrested on immigration-related charges
By Kate Larsen
August 16, 2018
New York Times Nevada Democrats Hope Latinos Can Propel Them to Victory
August 16, 2018
Washington Post The news was wrong: Mandela Barnes is alive, not dead. He’s black, not white. And he just claimed a victory in Wisconsin.
By Isaac Stanley-Becker
August 16, 2018
Politico McCarthy stares down immigration protesters
August 16, 2018
Daily Kos Democrats have nothing to fear but fear itself
By Kerry Eleveld
August 15, 2018
Reuters El Salvador Probes Alleged Cases of Child Abuse in U.S. Detention Centers
August 16, 2018
Associated Press Iraqi refugee arrested in California on warrant alleging he was ISIS killer
August 16, 2018
Politico ‘Abolish Prisons’ Is the New ‘Abolish ICE’
August 16, 2018
NPR With Scarce Access To Interpreters, Immigrants Struggle To Understand Doctors’ Orders
August 16, 2018
Slate When Does an Immigrant Become an American?
August 16, 2018
ABC News At the center of the immigration debate, 1st-generation college students are revolutionizing campuses
August 16, 2018
WNYC (New Jersey) Should New Jersey Democratic Officials Keep Jailing Immigrants for ICE?
By Matt Katz
August 16, 2018
AZ Central (Editorial) 5 reasons a Democrat could win David Schweikert’s seat, even in a Republican stronghold
August 16, 2018
Denver Post (Editorial) Don’t take the Republican Governors Association’s bait
August 16, 2018
Des Moines Register (Editorial) Trump should support ‘chain migration,’ which his in-laws used to become citizens
August 16, 2018
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) Listen to the Democratic Left
By Karl Rove
August 16, 2018
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Republicans and Democrats are more polarized on immigration than parties in the U.K. or Australia. Here’s why.
By Glenn Kefford and Shaun Ratcliff
August 16, 2018
Washington Post (Op-Ed) Is Trump a racist? You don’t need an n-word tape to know.
By Jason Johnson
August 15, 2018
The Hill (Op-Ed) Trump’s aggressive stance with visa holders and legal immigrants breaks with conservative principle
August 16, 2018
USA Today (Op-Ed) Congress isn’t helping DREAMers, but states, colleges and businesses can. Here’s how.
By Gaby Pacheco
August 16, 2018
San Francisco Chronicle (Op-Ed) Reunification of separated immigration families is not enough — offer U visas
By Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga and Daniela Domínguez
August 16, 2018
HDN/Washington Latino News La hipocresía como forma de gobierno
By David Torres
August 15, 2018
LatinoCalifornia La hipocresía como forma de gobierno
By David Torres
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Con DACA, mayoría de jóvenes indocumentados sigue contribuyendo a economía, dice encuesta
By María Peña
August 15, 2018
Univision Noticias Encuesta revela que beneficiarios de DACA continúan haciendo significativos aportes a la economía de EEUU
By Jorge Cancino
August 15, 2018
Edición Digital/Univision Estos son los grandes aportes de los dreamers a la economía de Estados Unidos (Video)
August 15, 2018
By Berenice Malagón
August 15, 2018
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Senadores demócratas exigen pronta reunificación de 539 niños que están en albergues
By María Peña
August 15, 2018
Univision Noticias Senadores fustigan la política migratoria del gobierno de Trump y exigen que reúna a las 539 familias aún separadas
By Jorge Cancino
August 15, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Llevarán a niños a la frontera para tratar de reunirlos con sus padres deportados
By Agencia EFE
August 16, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Tras 81 días de calvario, esta madre guatemalteca se reúne con su hijo
August 15, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Gobierno Trump suma más de 47,000 familias inmigrantes detenidas en la frontera sur en año fiscal 2018
By Agencia EFE
August 16, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Denuncian confabulación de ICE con USCIS para detener a inmigrantes (Video)
By Francisco Cuevas
August 15, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Gobierno defiende coordinación de ICE y USCIS para localizar a inmigrantes deportables
August 15, 2018
La Opinión 7 consecuencias para inmigrantes por nuevas políticas de USCIS
August 15, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Las “trampas” del gobierno Trump para detener a inmigrantes que buscan su “Green Card”
August 15, 2018
Qué pasa mi gente Ana, la hondureña que vive el drama migratorio
By Rafael Prieto
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Queens está bajo acecho constante de ICE, sobre todo en viviendas
August 15, 2018
Univision Una carta a puño y letra describe el dramático relato de un inmigrante preso que busca asilo
By Jorge Cancino
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Aceptan demanda contra alguacil de Colorado por detenciones de inmigrantes
By Agencia EFE
August 15, 2018
La Opinión La terrible verdad que llevó a un inmigrante a perder la ciudadanía
August 15, 2018
Agencia EFE Piden a autoridades de EE.UU. que no deporten a un exmilitar venezolano “opositor”
August 15, 2018
Noticiero Univision “Nos tratan como perros”: las denuncias que recogieron congresistas al visitar a inmigrantes detenidos (Video)
By Jaime García
August 15, 2018
Univision El FBI arresta a un exagente de ICE acusado de agredir sexualmente a dos mujeres en California
By Isaías Alvarado
August 15, 2018
La Opinión (CA) Agente de “La Migra” estrangula sin piedad a viajero en cruce fronterizo
August 15, 2018
Telemundo 51 La quemaron y ahora pide asilo para otras mujeres
August 15, 2018
El Nuevo Herald Corte autoriza juicio a ex funcionario de ICE por falsificar firma de migrante
By Agencia EFE
August 15, 2018
Noticias Telemundo Este exfuncionario del ICE falsificó la firma de un inmigrante mexicano para que le deportaran. Ahora se las verá ante el juez
By Alba Moraleda con información de EFE
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Trump “trolea” a Schumer por sus dichos sobre inmigrantes indocumentados
August 15, 2018
Noticiero Univision “Espero que te maten”: hispano que votó por Trump denuncia amenazas por criticar al gobierno (Video)
By Salvador Durán
August 15, 2018
La Opinión Gobierno federal ofrece ayuda a inmigrantes afectados por incendios en California
August 15, 2018
Noticias Telemundo La ley para cobrar a países impuesto especial por cada indocumentado
By La Opinión
August 15, 2018
Qué pasa mi gente Action NC pide abrir cuentas en bancos que no financien la cárceles de ICE
August 15, 2018
Noticias Telemundo ¿Por qué es importante para inmigrantes el Boletín de Visas?
By La Opinión- Jesús García
August 15, 2018
Hoy Los Ángeles Piden a autoridades de EEUU que no deporten a exmilitar venezolano “opositor”
By Agencia EFE
August 15, 2018