View the America’s Voice statement here.
CASA de Virginia:
More than seventy Virginia activists this evening disrupted the “victory” celebration of Congressman Eric Cantor (VA 7). Frustrated about his lack of action to resolve the immigration crisis, activists told the crowd that Cantor lost because he was inattentive to the district and that people in Virginia demand reform of the immigration crisis…
“Congressman Cantor should have listened to his constituents and this is why he lost,” said 7th District resident Raul Benitez. “Although Brat may be anti-immigrant, all the evidence shows that this is a vote against Cantor, not a vote against immigrants.”…
Across the seven precincts today, 89% of voters urged Cantor to move a vote on immigration.
Mi Familia Vota:
Eric Cantor tried to play all sides of the immigration issue except the correct one that is supported by the majority of American voters who favor commonsense immigration reform with a path to citizenship. Cantor did not lose because he supported immigration reform;he lost because he didn’t play the right side of the issue. Republicans who came out in strong support for immigration reform have won their primaries this election season.
“But here’s the real danger for the GOP. The election of an extremist solidifies the GOP as an extremist, out of touch party. They will never have a chance to reclaim the White House as long as they remain hostile to members of the Latino and immigrant communities.
Alliance 4 Citizenship:
Eric Cantor was never a friend of immigration reform, let alone a leader. He talked out of both sides of his mouth on the issue, and was the sole guy blocking reform. He lost because he played the politician, and voters saw through it.
It is still up to Speaker John Boehner and the House leadership to give us a vote and bring immigration reform to the floor—the votes exist to pass reform.
Fair Immigration Reform Movement:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s failure to lead on immigration is an important part of his Primary election loss tonight. Republicans like Senator Lindsay Graham and Rep Renee Ellmers who took a stance on immigration won decisively, in contrast to Eric Cantor who obstructed and obfuscated and lost. The question is now clearer than ever: will Speaker Boehner finally bring immigration reform to a vote on the House floor?
“Cantor’s loss shows that voters will not support any lawmaker that stands for nothing,” said Kica Matos, spokesperson for the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM). “Cantor failed to show his constituents that he could be a proven leader because he was too busy being a politician who cared only about his aspirations and not the people who had put him in office….
“The victories by Graham and Ellmers show that immigration reform is supported by Republicans, and that Americans will reward real leadership. The choice is now Speaker Boehner’s: will he lean in and save the Republican Party from obsolescence or will he follow the Cantor strategy of obstruction and obfuscation?”
United We Dream:
Tonight’s primary results are another reminder why leadership and action on immigration are desperately needed and why President Obama must deliver relief for our families now.
Both parties continue playing political games with our families, but United We Dream remains committed to keeping families together above all else. As 1,100 mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers continue being torn apart from their families every day, the call for the President to act now has grown louder tonight.