Editor’s Note: One of the nation’s most influential Spanish language publications, La Opinión (Los Angeles), published an editorial this week called, “The DREAM Act can’t wait” (“DREAM Act no puede esperar,”) calling on Congress to pass the DREAM Act without further delay. This is especially timely, given news today that the Spanish language media is growing disenchanted with President Obama and that Latino voters now rank immigration as their top issue heading into the November elections.
Finally, send a fax now to stop today’s DREAMer, Ivan, from being deported to Russia. We made a huge difference for Marlen, now it’s Ivan’s turn.
The “DREAM Now Series: Letters to Barack Obama” is a social media campaign that launched Monday, July 19, to underscore the urgent need to pass the DREAM Act.
Dear Mr. President,
In May, my mother and I were picked up in an immigration raid in our home. I was told that in 2002, when I was just 12, I missed a court date at which I was ordered removed from this country. I’ve been in detention for three months, now, awaiting my deportation. My mother was deported on Friday, August 6th, and I’m set to be deported any day now.