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DREAM Now Letters to Barack Obama: Selvin Arevalo

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Editor’s Note: Today, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarette argues rather pointedly for an end to any politicking that might hold up the DREAM Act:

And there’s the best argument for passing the DREAM Act —  so that deserving young people get the chance to realize their full potential. With so much of politics driven by the self-interest of politicians, we’re fresh out of leaders in this country. So we had better start growing a new crop.


[Note from Kyle de Beausset: Selvin wrote this letter right before he got into a minor car accident on April 9, 2010. He was set to get his high school diploma in June but has been in detention ever since. I have chosen reproduce Selvin’s letter as I found it in his empty room, rather than polish his slight grammatical errors, to allow his character to shine through.]

The “DREAM Now Series: Letters to Barack Obama” is a social media campaign that launched Monday, July 19, to underscore the urgent need to pass the DREAM Act.

Dear President Barack Obama,

From the bottom of my heart, I plead to my God that you and your entire family receive blessings from the highest God while you are reading this letter.  I admire and thank you for the great labor that you are fulfilling as a president in this big nation.  My name is Selvin Ovidio Arevalo.  I came to this country when I was 15 years old.  I came from Guatemala to this country to fulfill my dreams because I always have believed that this is a country of many opportunities for those whom want to succeed.