Representative Mike Honda and Sonia Manzano, who most people know as Maria on Sesame Street, wrote an article, which was published today in the Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call, voicing their support for comprehensive immigration reform. They write:
The tide seems to be turning in favor of comprehensive immigration reform, despite populist trends that might suggest otherwise.
As the political dust settles, Rep. Honda kindly reminds his colleagues that voters expect their leaders to solve tough problems, not run away from them. Polls show that the majority of Americans – including Republican and independent voters – support comprehensive immigration reform.
And it is the right thing to do for our economic recovery by generating billions in new tax revenues, helping American workers and honest employers, and replacing our current broken system with a functional approach that restores the rule of law.
It’s a little premature, we think, for anyone to be writing immigration reform’s obituary and we’re glad that the authors of the article are battling the rumor that immigration reform can’t happen this year. In fact, they clearly state otherwise:
This is the year for comprehensive immigration reform. Left to future presidents or future Congresses, the number of undocumented immigrants will only increase and the visa waits will only get longer. Meanwhile, we lose an opportunity to do what’s right economically, politically and morally. On all accounts the case is clear: Reform now.
‘Nuff said?