This summer, America’s Voice and other advocates around the country are holding a series of Dreamer Dinners — meals with elected officials, members of the media, and others in order to drive support for DACA and for Dreamers. DACA, the deferred action program which has brought 800,000 young immigrants closer to legal status than ever before, is under imminent threat, and most believe that Donald Trump will soon start phasing out the program. Dreamers and advocates, through these dinners, are asking Republicans and Democrats alike to stand with them and help ensure that DACA will not go quietly into the night.
Last night, the very first Dreamer Dinner was held in Columbus, Ohio. City Councilwoman Liz Brown joined twenty others for the meal, including eight who are DACA-mented Dreamers. Some of the Dreamers were high school students, while others were in grad school. One Dreamer works at major insurance company, another is an engineer in the auto industry, and another works at in finance at a national bank. All shared their stories of what it means to be a Dreamer, what DACA has meant to them, and why deferred action must be saved.
If you’d like to help DACA by hosting a Dreamer Dinner in your community, click here.
View some of the pictures from our very first Dreamer Dinner below: