TUESDAY, April 25
11am EST
PRESS CALL: Legal Experts and Advocates to Analyze Progress Report on Trump’s Immigration Policies
Washington, DC — One of President Trump’s anti-immigrant, un-American Executive Orders, signed on January 25th, 2017, called for a 90-day progress report on the implementation and deployment of his mass deportation force and further militarization of the southern border. Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported on a draft version of the assessment, which the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) summarized here.
In anticipation of the release of the final report, on Tuesday, April 25 at 11am EST, legal experts and advocates will gather on a press call to provide their analysis on the expected “progress” and Trump’s immigration policy in his first 100 days.
- Greg Chen, Director of Government Relations, AILA
- Christian Ramirez, Director, Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC)
- Mary Small, Policy Director, Detention Watch Network (DWN)
- Angela Kelley, Senior Strategic Advisor for Immigration, Open Society Policy Center (Moderator)
WHEN: Tuesday, April 25 at 11am EST
DIAL IN: 877-876-9176 ; PASSCODE: “DHS REPORT”