This has not been a good week for Republican leaders in the House. Earlier today, 12 immigration advocates were arrested in a peaceful act of civil disobedience in front of the Spokane office of Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference.
Just hours earlier, young advocates interrupted Speaker Boehner’s breakfast at a DC diner calling for reform.
Today’s action in Spokane, featuring over 100 local residents, highlighted the moral crisis we are facing every day with our broken immigration system.
According to David Ayala, Program Director at OneAmerica.
“Inaction and obstruction will only support a status quo that prolongs an immigration system that everyone agrees is broken where families suffer. Common sense, economic sense, and a heart are the ingredients it takes to produce real reform this year.”
Today’s action in Spokane follows on the heels of a late night action last week in California targeting the House Majority Whip, Rep. Kevin McCarthy where advocates forced Rep. McCarthy into a conversation at his Bakersfield office.
And judging by Speaker Boehner’s recent comments refusing a vote on immigration this year, these actions are only the beginning.