“Avengers” director Joss Whedon assembled tons of celebrities — and some of us normal folk too! — for a hilarious yet thought-provoking PSA urging Americans to get out and vote this November.
“You might think you’re not important,” says actor Mark Ruffalo. “But that’s not true. And the only way we can prove that to you is by having lots of famous people repeating how important it is” to vote.
“Just a sh*t ton of famous people,” chimes in Oscar-winner Julianne Moore.
The ad never calls out Donald Trump by name, but Don Cheadle warns that when “a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of society” has a chance of becoming the President, the stakes are just too high to stay home.
“Do the math.”
To find out more about Save The Day and register to vote, click here.