It’s only February and the 2016 general election is still over 270 days away, but so much has already happened in this year’s cycle, it’s hard to keep track.
On the Republican side, the Presidential field has gone from 15 candidates, to just six as of today: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump.
For Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have both taken one state each, with Hillary narrowly winning Iowa and Sanders finishing strong in New Hampshire.
Now as candidates from both parties flock to the next primary contest in South Carolina, expect the topic of immigration to take on an even larger role than we’ve recently seen — for better and for worse.
For Democrats, that means leaning in to a strong pro-immigrant platform. For Republicans, expect more anti-immigrant extremism in order to appeal to the base, particularly now that the race has largely become Trump versus Cruz.
Here at America’s Voice, we’re outlining each candidate’s comments about immigrants and immigration reform during this year’s presidential election cycle.
- 2016 GOP Candidates for President — and Their Positions on Immigration
- 2016 Democratic Candidates for President — and Their Positions on Immigration
Additionally, another report decodes some of the more popular GOP soundbites and outlines key questions every Republican candidate should be required to answer clearly:
- 2016 Republican presidential field and immigration, “What They Say, What They Mean, & Why it Matters”
And as always, all of our 2016 Election resources from America’s Voice are available here.