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New Blog Series: Why Do YOU Want the President to Act on Immigration?

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It’s sounding more and more like President Obama will announce a plan to protect millions of immigrant families across the country within the next couple of weeks.

Convincing the President that he must act in the face of Congress’ inaction is a fight we’ve been able to win. Now we need to tell him him to use his existing authority to make improvements to our immigration system, like expanding DACA.

That’s why we’re started collecting stories from our advocates about why they want President Obama to make common-sense immigration changes, and what those changes would mean to them.

This week’s submission is from Hilda and Noe, parents of a DACA recipient from Ohio who know the program’s successes first-hand and hope it can be expanded to include them:

DACA approval changed my son’s life completely.

He graduated from college in 2013. All the time he spent in college, we were concerned about the day he would finish his education and if he would be able to work because of his immigration status. He graduated high school with Honors, being in the top 10% of his class and won scholarships that helped us pay for his college tuition. We paid the rest of the college expenses. My husband has two jobs, and I also worked so that we could afford this for him. We told him the immigration status we have was not going to stop us from giving him an education, and that in the future he will appreciate that more than anything. The approval of DACA was the best gift for him on his graduation day.

Ever since then, he is like any normal succesful American that has an education. Sometimes we still get concerned about our immigration status, but we still have faith in God and the Obama Administration.

We also have a daughter. She has been a cheerleader for 5 years and will be attending her high school senior year this coming fall, and we hope she gets DACA as well.

We are a normal family who struggles every day with inconveniences about immigration statuses, but we are not going to give up until we are all legal in this country, which has provided us with a much better life with hard work.

You can submit your story here.