Today, United We DREAM, DREAMers, and activists are holding at least 25 different protests across 16 different states to mark the launch of their “Right to DREAM” campaign. The nationwide action calls for increased protection for DREAMers and their families from harsh deportation practices and calls for the Obama administration to better implement prosecutorial discretion.
As Frank Sharry, Executive Director here at America’s Voice Education Fund said:
We support the DREAM movement in their ongoing efforts to win administrative relief. While the President has rightly called on executive branch immigration enforcement agencies to target serious criminals and not low priorities such as young people eligible for the DREAM Act, it’s now clear that the gap between the enlightened White House policy and poor DHS implementation can only be bridged by decisive White House action. It makes no sense for DHS to put DREAMers in deportation proceedings when it’s only a matter of time before the DREAM Act is enacted. Ensuring that talented young people are able to remain in the only country they know as home is an important goal that would provide a lasting benefit to communities throughout the nation.
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