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Democratic National Convention Digital Review: Day 3

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Last night, the third night of the Democratic National Convention, brought forth hope for the future of this nation. Immigration was a key topic of discussion, and various leaders used their platform to denounce the injustices the Trump Administration has inflicted upon immigrant families. The convention showcased the vulnerability, strength, and compassion that drive us all to seek a better life. It set a tone for the DNC’s commitment to fighting racism and xenophobia in our country, even though it sometimes feels like freedom and the pursuit of happiness  just might be out of reach. 

Kerry Washington set the stage by reminding us how crucial immigration is to the history of this country:

Estela Juarez told a heartbreaking story of how her family was torn apart by the deportation of her mother even though her father, a U.S. Marine, voted for Trump in 2016.


A North Carolina family spoke about the sacrifices they have made to be in this country in search of better health resources, and how crucial DACA has been for them to continue reaching their dreams:

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris all had something to say about the importance of immigrants, and how we must continue fighting for their right to a just life:

Others reacted positively to the topic of immigration at the DNC as it reminded folks of why immigrants and refugees should be protected by this country instead of dehumanized and criminalized as they have been by the current administration: