Our immigration system has been broken for too long, and the costs of that failure are growing. Getting immigration policy right is fundamental to our national interests — our economic vitality, our diplomacy and our national security. Continue »
So this isn't the first time that California has unfairly targeted illegal immigrants. In 1994, Barbara Coe and her minions tried to pass Proposition 187, an initiative that sought to pretty much do the same thing in the way of taking away public benefits. She is known... Continue »
Leo: "He referred to Buchanan, who has been appearing on MSNBC all week claiming Sotomayor has "a lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males," as a reverse civil rights leader, and showed a clip of him saying, "White men were 100% of the people who wrote the Constitution,... Continue »
As the Obama administration and Congress consider comprehensive immigration reform, the goal will be to reach a middle ground that ensures strong immigration enforcement while providing opportunities for millions of undocumented residents to come out of the shadows. Continue »
With about 50 low-wage, Hispanic workers sitting in a small room, a support group for them on Saturday kicked off a local effort to reform American immigration law. Continue »
President Obama's critics who complain that he is taking on too much don't understand how interrelated all that too much is. The president isn't being too ambitious in wanting to reform health care and immigration this year. If he and Congress can bring the country's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants... Continue »
In July of 2007, Prince William County, Virginia became "ground zero" in America's explosive battle over immigration policy when elected officials adopted a law requiring police officers to question anyone they thought was "probably" undocumented. 9500 Liberty reveals the startling vulnerability of a local government targeted by national... Continue »