- Judge Hanen’s ruling in State of Texas v. US
- America’s Voice response: Fortunately, the Law and Common Sense Will Prevail
- America’s Voice: Spanish Language Media React Strongly to GOP Efforts to Block Executive Action on Immigration
- America’s Voice: 3 Reasons Why Judge Hanen’s Opinion is Entirely Political
- America’s Voice: Roundup of Opinions on Judge Hanen’s Ruling
- America’s Voice Report: Judge Hanen and the Nativist Lawsuit Against Immigration Executive Action
- Center for American Progress: Economic Benefits of Executive Action By State
- Amicus Briefs from:
How to Prepare
- NILC: Top 10 Ways You Can Prepare For Executive Action On Immigration (November 19, 2014)
- United We Dream: 5 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for the President’s Announcement on Executive Action
Executive Memos
- White House: Executive Actions on Immigration (November 21, 2014) (Spanish)
- White House: Fact Sheet: Immigration Accountability Executive Action (November 21, 2014) (Spanish)
- DHS: Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Through Executive Action – Key Facts (November 20, 2014) (Spanish)
Executive Action Links from America’s Voice
- Arguments for President Obama to Take Executive Action on Immigration (August 21, 2014)
- America’s Voice Blog Post Archive on Executive Action
- When Good Politics Meets the Right Thing to Do: Four Key Points About Immigration Executive Action (November 10, 2014)
- Six Reasons Executive Action on Immigration is Good for America (November 17, 2014)
- Legal Scholars in Agreement: President Has Broad Authority to Act on Immigration (November 19, 2014)
Executive Action Links from Other Organizations
- Center for American Progress: 5 Things You Need to Know About Legal Challenges to Executive Action on Immigration (December 19, 2014)
- David Leopold: What Obama’s Immigration Executive Actions Mean for the Economy: 4 Key Business Fixes (December 1, 2014)
- Immigration Policy Center: A Guide to the Immigration Accountability Executive Action (November 25, 2014)
- David Leopold: What the Immigration Executive Actions Mean for You and Your Family: 8 Things You Need to Know (November 24, 2014)
- American Immigration Lawyers Association: AILA’s Take on President Obama’s “Immigration Accountability Executive Action” Plan (November 24, 2014)
- National Immigration Law Center: One-Pager for the Community on Deferred Action (November 22, 2014)
- National Immigration Law Center: Frequently Asked Questions on Deferred Action (November 22, 2014)
- Center for American Progress: The Economic and Fiscal Benefits of Deferred Action (November 21, 2014)
Center for American Progress: 5 Facts to Know About President Obama’s Immigration Announcement (November 21, 2014)
- Latino Decisions: GOP’s Response to Obama’s Executive Action Could Define 2016 Election (November 21, 2014)
- Democratic Policy & Communications Center: Responding To False Attacks On The President’s Immigration Priorities (November 21, 2014)
- Center for American Progress: State by State Economic Benefits of Executive Action (November 20, 2014)
- Think Progress: Everything You Need to Know About Obama’s Executive Action (November 20, 2014)
American Bridge: Taking (Executive) Action: GOP’s Leadership Failure Leaves Immigration Up to Obama (November 17, 2014)
- Center for American Progress: By the Numbers: Every President Since Eisenhower Has Taken Executive Action on Immigration (October 6, 2014)
- Immigration Policy Center: Executive Grants of Temporary Immigration Relief, 1956-Present (October 2, 2014)
Spanish Language Links
- American Bridge: La Prensa En Español Se Opone Al Los Republicanos Por Su Enfrentamiento Contra La Reforma Migratoria (November 19, 2014)
- Media Matters: Los Medios Conservadores Están Equivocados Acerca De La Legalidad Del Próximo Decreto Ejecutivo Sobre Inmigración (November 17, 2014)
Links About Extremism
- Right Wing Watch: Five of the Craziest Conservative Reactions to Obama’s Immigration Action: Impeachment, Race War & Rebellion (November 21, 2014)
America’s Voice: Right Wing is Absolutely Losing It Over President Obama’s Executive Action (November 21, 2014)
- America’s Voice: Republicans in Congress Are Completely Losing It Over Executive Action (November 20, 2014)
- American Bridge: All of the Poison in All of the Wells! (November 20, 2014)
American Bridge And People For the American Way: The GOP’s Offensive Immigration Rhetoric (November 20, 2014)
- Media Matters: Right-Wing Media Wrong About The Legality Of The Upcoming Executive Orders On Immigration (November 13, 2014)
- America’s Voice: Meet the Republicans Who Want to Impeach Obama Over Immigration (November 11, 2014)
- America’s Voice: Extremism Blog Archive
Key News Clips
- Fusion: Everything you need to know about President Obama’s immigration actions (Ted Hesson and Jordan Fabian, November 20, 2014)
- Washington Post: Your complete guide to President Obama’s immigration executive action (Max Ehrenfreund, November 19, 2014)
- Vox: 9 facts that explain why Obama is about to help millions of immigrants (Dara Lind, November 16, 2014)
- AP: Reagan, Bush also acted alone to shield immigrants (Andrew Taylor, November 15, 2014)