June is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth, which is a time to recognize the positive impact of immigrants in our communities and across the country that have been, and always will be, an integral part of our nation’s fabric.
To honor these communities and celebrate the diversity that is our strength, many immigrants, children of immigrants, and advocates graciously shared their stories and support.
Here are some of our favorite posts:
June is a celebration of two things I’m proud to be: queer & immigrant. #Pride & #ImmigrantHeritageMonth are about people’s stories & struggles, but also of rebuilding, of hope, love & perseverance. Grateful for those before us who paved the way & ready to keep the fight going. pic.twitter.com/vMeInXn5ki
— pilitobar46 (@pilitobar46) June 1, 2021
This #ImmigrantHeritageMonth I’m thinking of Grandma Mary and Grandpa David, who emigrated from Jamaica to Maine in 1912.
He was a janitor; she was a maid and seamstress. Their sacrifices made my life possible—and that mobility and opportunity should be open to every American. pic.twitter.com/46TUsST2av
— Susan Rice (@AmbRice46) June 3, 2021
Celebrating #ImmigrantHeritageMonth like… (
: lalamelina / Instagram) pic.twitter.com/7sNueKnARQ
— Hamilton (@HamiltonMusical) June 3, 2021
Immigrants are essential to our communities and our country. As #ImmigrantHeritageMonth begins, I honor my own family's immigrant story and the stories of all who have enriched this great Nation. #CelebrateImmigrants pic.twitter.com/lGPQVBjzLZ
— Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (@SecMayorkas) June 1, 2021
Every single thing I am is thanks to my parents. They immigrated to the US from Mexico more than 50 years ago. This is where they built their family, raised my brothers and me, and worked so so so hard so that the American Dream was within reach.
♥️ #ImmigrantHeritageMonth pic.twitter.com/VBdmgZqNNT
— Emmy Ruiz (@emmyruiz46) June 3, 2021
This #ImmigrantHeritageMonth I’m honoring my mom and dad who moved from India. Because of their hard work and sacrifices, I was able to follow my dreams. Thanks Mom and Dad for all you’ve done for me. pic.twitter.com/4kHGvCcufO
— Sabrina Singh (@SabrinaSingh46) June 3, 2021
This beautiful woman gave me a chance at life. My immigrant mom worked in garment factories and as a hospital janitor to make sure her kids had opportunity. @CHIRLA #yesimmigrantsforward #ImmigrantHeritageMonth pic.twitter.com/A6ycTt96i7
— Angelica Salas (@AngelicaCHIRLA) June 3, 2021
This #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #Pride I celebrate that my story—of immigrating, coming out, marrying the person I love, and serving the highest office in the land—is only possible in America
— Gautam Raghavan (@GautamR46) June 3, 2021
As young adults, they couldn’t walk into restaurants b/c of signs that read, “No Dogs or Mexicans Allowed.” But fast forward: they sent their kids to college and retired with dignity. #ImmigrantHeritageMonth pic.twitter.com/04jPqqw3Vy
— Secretary Xavier Becerra (@SecBecerra) June 3, 2021
As the son of Cuban immigrants, I’ve never forgotten my roots or my parents’ many sacrifices. Their story is what inspires me everyday to fight for bold and inclusive immigration reform, and this #ImmigrantHeritageMonth I recommit to doing everything I can to get it done. pic.twitter.com/JbaCNrhKQ7
— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) June 1, 2021
Many of us live at the intersection of identities. As the gay son of Mexican immigrants, I’m wishing y’all a very happy #PrideMonth and #ImmigrantHeritageMonth !!
— Ernesto Apreza (@ErnieApreza) June 1, 2021
This #ImmigrantHeritageMonth I honor my parents who arrived in the US on different coasts, by ship and by plane over 50 years ago. As former public servants they taught me about the importance of serving our country, and gave me the opportunity to do so. pic.twitter.com/nz0CqmtKVS
— Dr. Cyrus Shahpar (@cyrusshahpar46) June 4, 2021
This #ImmigrantHeritageMonth, we celebrate
your love,
your strength,
your traditions,
your community.Because we know that out of many, we are one. #CelebrateImmigrants pic.twitter.com/1REUO7qsfF
— The Leadership Conference (@civilrightsorg) June 2, 2021
As we celebrate #ImmigrantHeritageMonth, I’d like to start by honoring my parents who immigrated from Mexico to California in the 1960s with a tremendous work ethic and big dreams. Here's to them, and to the millions of immigrants who make our nation stronger every day. pic.twitter.com/NbP0MjkbMZ
— Senator Alex Padilla (@SenAlexPadilla) June 2, 2021