tags: Trump Hate Submissions

Incident Report: Fullerton, California

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On Tuesday, December 19, when Lucia* and her three children were leaving home to head to school, her middle child, Guillermo, noticed a note on the front door. Lucia thought it might be from some of the children in the building, who are friends with her kids. But the 10-year-old warned her: “It’s kind of ugly, Mommy.”
“Dear Wetbacks, 23 of you?” This is your neighbor 615, no one likes your loud ass wetback music, ok? You want to play that loud go back to where you belong ok? Mexico!!! You are in America so act like it. We want to build a wall to keep nasty ass spics like you out. You can’t read this … so suck my d*ck!”
Although Lucia, 31, says she did not understand everything in the letter because she is not completely fluent in English, she did understand that it contained insults about her family and references to Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. Her son asked her what it meant to be a “wetback,” and she explained that it is an insulting term for Mexican immigrants. She then tried to downplay the incident in front of her children, and took them to school.