THE SPEAKER OF … WHITE NATIONALIST CONSPIRACY THEORIES Republicans finally elected a House Speaker; one who is not surprisingly anti-LGBTQ, pro-gun, anti-abortion and anti-immigrant, but the extent of his embrace of dangerous white nationalist conspiracy theories about immigration was revealed by research conducted by America’s Voice. It’s not just that Speaker... Continue »
SEPARATED FAMILIES, ECUADORANS, VENEZUELANS, AND THE NEED FOR BIDEN COHERENT STRATEGY AND NARRATIVE This week saw a series of announcements by the Biden administration, but they still lacked a coherent, unifying strategy. A proposed settlement was announced by the DOJ with migrant families intentionally separated by the Trump administration... Continue »
REPUBLICANS USE TRAGEDY TO PEDDLE BORDER CONSPIRACY THEORIES As the horrific and tragic situation in Israel and Gaza continues to unfold, Donald Trump has led the Republican Party and the political right to exploit the events for their own cynical politics, America’s Voice Political Director Zachary Mueller writes. Looking to fan... Continue »
CHAOTIC GOP HOUSE REMAINS A THREAT; BIDEN URGED TO GET IMMIGRATION POLITICS RIGHT GOP dysfunction and inability to govern or broker real solutions seem likely to continue unabated or get worse, as Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz ushered in the historic removal of California Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.... Continue »
WHEN POLITICIANS SHOUT ‘OPEN BORDERS,’ PEOPLE HEAR AND BELIEVE THEM This week, America’s Voice released a unique poll of Central Americans along with additional research that together indicates that the ubiquitous right wing anti-immigrant sound bite that “the borders are open” is actually contributing to the number of people coming to... Continue »
TPS: IT’S A BFD The Biden administration announced the redesignation of TPS for Venezuela on Wednesday (America’s Voice statements in English here and Spanish here) and the same for Afghanistan the next day. President Biden is responding to calls from advocates, lawmakers, mayors, governors and others, taking affirmative steps to allow immigrants already living... Continue »
TEXAS JUDGE ISSUES ANOTHER RULING AGAINST DACA Following news this week that Texas Judge Andrew Hanen had – as predicted – issued a ruling against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and its estimated 600,000 beneficiaries, America’s Voice sprung into action, taking part in a steering committee... Continue »
NEW YORK MIGRANT ARRIVALS SPARK RENEWED FOCUS ON POLICY; ABBOTT’S BARRIER LOSES IN TEXAS COURT ​​Escalating comments from New York City’s mayor on the stresses of migrant arrivals have received both local pushback and sparked much-needed conversations on a solution oriented approach. One solution with wide support is allowing migrants to... Continue »
AHEAD OF LABOR DAY, AV HOSTS PRESS CALL WITH LABOR LEADERS On Wednesday, AV hosted a telephonic press conference with labor leaders, workers, and experts calling for expanded use of TPS (Temporary Protective Status). Mary Kay Henry, President of SEIU, Jimmy Williams, General President of the International Union of... Continue »
GOP’S IMMIGRATION DESCENT WAS ON FULL DISPLAY IN WISCONSIN As anticipated, the first GOP debate was a mess of extremism, including on immigration. Ahead of the debate, America’s Voice released numerous resources to drive our narrative about candidates’ extreme positions, how their radicalization on the issue hasn’t been an electoral winner, and... Continue »